9月29号CPAC专业人士日: 名人分享、专家解析、工作招聘、名师辅导 — 职业发展一站通
在海外已拥有资深学历或接受过专业培训的您正在加国寻找新的起点和新的事业天地吗?欢迎参加由由加拿大中国专业人士协会(CPAC)及其基金会(CPAC Foundation)联合主办的第十七届CPAC“专业人士日” 这是一个集工作招聘、导师分享、就业辅导为一体的招聘会。
- 与用人单位现场交流,拓展人脉
- 参加就业指导及职业技能方面的现场培训
- 简历点评及一对一求职技巧辅导
- 资深职业顾问讲座
- 了解业多伦多地区IT、金融、政府及公共事务等等诸多专业领域的就业发展新动向及职业搭桥培训和相关职业课程等资讯
- 凭票参加开场主题讲座会现场抽奖
时间:2018年9月29日, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
地点:Metro Toronto Convention Centre,255 Front Street West (North Building, Room 205 & 206), Toronto, ON M5V 2W6
费用:CPAC会员提前在网上注册免费(请提前发邮件至 office@cpac-canada.ca 或致电CPAC办公室416-298-7885,分机101获注册免费码)、非会员$5,现场报名者(CPAC会员及非会员)均需现金支付$5、为避免当天入场排长队,请事先网上报名!
Register online now for a chance to win a Samsung Galaxy Tab E 9.6” 16GB tablet!
- All online registrants who register by September 28th at 3 pm will automatically be entered in to the draw
- Winner will be announced and must be present at the plenary session
- The prize is generously provided by WeHire Solutions
主讲人:Robert Bull (Southlake Regional Health Centre 副总裁)CPA, CA, FCA (England & Wales)
Robert是安省Newmarket地区一所大型医院的核心运营人、Southlake Regional Health Centre 的副总裁。作为一名拥有海外教育背景的移民专业人士,他将讲述自己在加拿大发展的职业历程,一路走来所面临的挑战、收获的成功,最终实现从求生存到求发展这个过程的蜕变。相信他的亲身经历将有效帮助和启发相同背景的专业人士尽快适应新的国家和新的环境、快速成长。
CPAC “专业人士日” 的另一个重要内容是现场招聘会与展会,今年将有多家雇主及服务机构参会, 参展商还包括就业服务机构,为参会者针对找工作、个人发展等方面提供现场咨询;还有部分专业教育机构,为参会者提供职业搭桥培训及相关职业课程等资讯。
ACCES Employment
ACE World
Bank of Montreal Financial Group
Canadian College Of Naturopathic Medicine
Canadian Immigrant
Career Edge
CARE Centre for Internationally Educated Nurses
Centennial College
CPA Ontario
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
George Brown College
Happy Life Wealth Management
Humber College
Immigrant Access Fund (IAF)
New Horizons Media / New Canadians TV
Northeastern University
Ontario Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services
Osgoode Professional Development, York University
Professions North / Nord
Regional Municipality of Durham
Robert Half Canada
Seneca College
Sun Life Financial
TD Bank
The Career Foundation
Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC)
Volunteer Toronto
WeHire Solutions
YMCA of Greater Toronto
主讲人:Murali Murthy (职业导师、演讲家)
Murali是一位广受赞誉的导师和演讲家,他的著作 You Are HIRED!在亚马逊网站创下最畅销图书记录。Murali同时创作了ACE就业系列指导丛书,有效帮助广大专业人士在求职和事业发展的道路上获得成功。
主讲人:Jean Chow(职业导师)
Jean Chow在多伦多大学、及多所职业训及新移民服务机构从事求职创业、社交辅导等专业培训工作。她极富感染力和沟通和指导,有效打破了很多人因惧怕社交或是由于被动社交而产生的心里障碍和不适应,学会放下心理负担,通过一些实用的技巧,积极创造与他人交流的机会,达到有效沟通的目标。
Jean极富特色的讲座“Hacking the Networking Code” and “Networking: Anytime Anywhere with Anyone” 打动了众多受众的心,她的社交媒体公众号@MsBizWiz也因此广受青睐。
主讲人:Kaiyan Fu
This workshop provides practical advice to anyone considering a transition to the public sector or to those trying to land their first opportunity within the public sector. Topics that will be covered include an overview of who the public sector employers are, general hiring processes, useful tips for applying and interviewing, and an understanding of the differences between the public and private sector from an employee’s perspective.
Kaiyan Fu is a Registered Nurse, a Certified Health Executive and a Certified Human Resources Professional. Her career path includes Vice President, Practice & Quality at SE Health, Provincial Chief Nursing Officer with the Ontario Government, Chief Executive Officer at the Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care, and Director of Nursing Innovation at St. Michael’s Hospital.
主讲人:Hong Gao
Hong Gao has 19 years of IT services management experience with the oil and gas private sector. She switched to the public sector in 2014 and is currently working on digital health policies for the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.
主讲人:Amy Davies
Excelling at your job and working hard may not always be enough to achieve your professional aspirations and get promoted. In this session, we’ll explore practical and actionable strategies for achieving your professional goals and advancing your career, focusing on the effectiveness of these approaches. Some of the content may come as a surprise!
Amy Davies is a writer, career advancement expert, insights executive and corporate trainer. Her book Be, Leave (Spring 2019) explores our ‘re-org world,’ addressing the question: how do we manage a successful career when we’re constantly losing or changing jobs? Her training encompasses the development and enhancement of a wide array of soft skills, with specific focus on presentation and communication skills.
主讲人:Joshua Go
When you apply to a job you don’t just provide your resume, you also submit your social media profile. If not handled carefully, social media can cost you the job you want. In this workshop, you will gain a better understanding how recruiters and organizations check social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for potential candidates. You will also learn how to create a professional online persona for yourself and what you need to do to meet the expectations of recruiters.
Joshua Go is currently the Campus Engagement Coordinator for Career Edge. In his role, he works closely with hiring recruiters and organizations to connect graduates and young professionals to new opportunities. Joshua is a Business Management graduate from Ryerson’s Ted Rogers School of Management, with a major in human resources and minor in communications.
主讲人:Joshua Go
Are you interested in sharpening your interview skills and hearing directly what managers and recruiters are looking for? This workshop will provide practical interview preparation tips for job seekers. Topics will cover what preparations need to be done before, during and after an interview.
David Gaull is the Manager, Talent Acquisition at TD Bank where he currently manages a team of recruiters in financial services. He has over 12 years of experience in talent acquisition and has stayed in this field for this long because he has a passion for connecting job seekers with the right opportunity. David holds a Bachelors of Commerce from the University of Guelph and has the CHRL designation.
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