Press Release


CPAC AGM This Saturday: How to survive and advance in the professional environment from a Chinese perspective


The CPAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2012 will be held on this Saturday, November 3, 2012 at CPAC Conference Hall. In addition to the annual president’s report and financial report,…

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Andi Shi is appointed to be the Executive Director of CPAC


Following a recent resolution of the Board, CPAC now has an Executive Director, Mr. Andi Shi, to lead our staff team. As some of you may already know, Andi was…

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Hundreds Attracted to CPAC Education Day 2012


TORONTO, October 27, 2012 –The Chinese Professionals Association ofCanada (CPAC) and the Education Foundation of CPAC held the 5th CPAC Education Day at Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School in Scarborough…

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The 5th CPAC Education Day will be held on Saturday Oct.27 Last chance to register online


On this Saturday, October 27th Education Foundation of Chinese Professional Association of Canada will be hosting its 5th Annual Education Day. Building on the success of past Education Days this…

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Call for Nominations to the 2012-2016 CPAC Board of Directors-AGM will be held on Nov.3, 2012


In accordance with the CPAC By-Laws, elections for Board Members will be held at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, November 3, 2012.  As a member of CPAC, you are…

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