CPAC奖学金1月底截止申请 总额高达18000加币




CPAC Awards(最多六名):分别颁发给已经完成10至12年级学业的安省高中生。每级别至多两名,每名奖金1000元,表扬他们学习成绩优良并表现出领导才能和对社会、社区的关注。鼓励他们积极深造、完成高等教育。

CPAC-TDIMM Scholarship(一名):


CPAC Special Scholarship(一名):


CPAC Education Scholarships(两名):


“CPAC了解良好的教育对我们的下一代非常重要,我们希望能借此奖学金鼓励那些移民的子女,那些勤奋上进的学生在教育的道路上不断前进。我们感谢所有捐赠者和赞助商的慷慨支持。” CPAC 基金会会长林瑞铭先生说。



About CPAC Foundation

Founded in 1999, the CPAC Foundation (formerly Education Foundation of CPAC) is a registered charity that raises funds in support of CPAC’s work within the immigrant community and also the Foundation’s own education related initiatives.

The Foundation has supported and continues to support CPAC in carrying out its mission of helping internationally trained professionals and tradespeople to obtain licenses, find jobs, advance their careers, develop leadership skills and integrate into the Canadian society.

For its own initiatives, the Foundation organizes activities that provide educational information to parents and students. It also provides scholarships and bursaries to secondary and post-secondary students who have demonstrated a social responsibility as well as a determination to pursue academic excellence.

Since 2000, the CPAC Foundation has given out more than 200 scholarships and bursaries with a total value of $235,000. It has also built two schools in poverty and disaster stricken areas in China.