Enlight Events


Transforming Ideas into Reality-CPAC Enlight’s “Entrepreneurship Seminar” a Success


July 29th, 2014, Toronto – Last Saturday afternoon, more than 80 young professionals attended CPAC’s Young Professionals Division, Enlight’s entrepreneurship seminar. As one of Enlight’s signature events, the entrepreneurship seminar…

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Three Young Entrepreneurs Share their Success Stories on July 26


Entrepreneurship Seminar hosted by Enlight, Young Professionals Division of CPAC, is centered on helping you refining your ideas and start growing them into great businesses. The seminar will focus on…

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Golf, BBQ and Network Hosted by Enlight on July 20


Young Professionals Division of CPAC, Enlight is firing up the first summer golfing workshop & BBQ of 2014 on Sunday July 20th! Enjoy a beautiful day of golf and networking…

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400 Young Professionals Attended CPAC Enlight’s “Connecting Communities Networking Mixer”


June 23, Toronto – CPAC’s Youth Professionals Division, Enlight, successfully held its first social event of the summer at the Easy & The Fifth Club last Friday night. The “Connecting…

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Connecting Communities Networking Mixer on June 13


Hosted by CPAC-Enlight, NAAAP Toronto, UTCAA and YTMAT, “Connecting Communities” Open House is the Power Mixer experience to amplify your personal circles of influence.  Bringing together leading organizations who are…

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Join Keynote Speaker Stuart Knight This Sunday at the 3rd Annual Envision Career Discovery Conference


The Young Professionals Division of CPAC (Enlight) is excited to invite you to the 3rd Annual Envision Career Discovery Conference!  Join us for an extravaganza of motivational speeches, career development…

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3rd Annual Envision Career Discovery Conference Will be Held on March 2


The Young Professionals Division of CPAC (Enlight) is excited to invite you to the 3rd Annual Envision Career Discovery Conference!  CPAC believes networking is of the utmost importance when it…

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Encounter Job Conference 2013 Helped Over 500 Young Professionals in Job Search and Career Development


Young Professional Division of Chinese Professionals Association of Canada successfully held its 2nd annual Encounter Career Conference at the North York Civic Center on Oct 12, 2013. The conference, organized by YPD…

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CPAC YPD Entrepreneurship Seminar 2013


Want to start your own business and be your own boss? CPAC YPD Enlight is pleased to invite three sucessful business leaders to share their entrepreneurship experiences. You will be…

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由加拿大中国专业人士协会青年团 (Young Professionals Division (YPD), 又称CPAC Enlight)筹办的主题为“沟通与领导力”的研讨会于4月27日在多伦多InterContinental酒店成功举行。  本次研讨会邀请到Deloitte合伙人,分管企业风险管理服务部的Victoria Loutsiv女士和TD Securities高级副总裁兼财务总监Kelvin Tran先生,就青年人职业规划、职场沟通、领导力培养等一系列话题,与100多位风华正茂的青年人士展开了热烈交流。 研讨会上,Loutsiv女士和Tran先生分别同与会者分享了自身的职业发展经历,强调了高效沟通与良好的人际关系在职业发展中的重要性,阐述了管理与领导能力的培养方法,并传授了在企业中建立人脉与提升影响力的职场秘籍,令在场的青年专业人士们获益匪浅。 此次活动持续了近三个小时,期间不时穿插现场提问环节。与会者的积极提问与主讲人风趣幽默的对答,令现场气氛十分活跃。活动结束后,大家仍意犹未尽,纷纷上前围绕两位来宾继续交流,并合影留念。许多参与者现场加入了YPD会员和志愿者行列。大家纷纷表示此次活动收获了很多感悟,并希望今后能够有机会参与更多类似的交流活动。 参与者认真倾听嘉宾的演讲,110人的场地座无虚席 CPAC YPD主要组织者与嘉宾留念合影 嘉宾与参与者的自由交谈

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