
- 主要课程 – 建筑电工初级培训(建筑和维护309A)
- 副科课程 – 电冰箱和空调基础课
- 技工相关沟通培训
- 行业安全和急救培训
- 八周实习机会
- 提供学徒申请指导
- 找工培训、帮助寻找工作
- 以上所有课程和服务免费
- 加拿大公民或永久居民
- 加拿大高中毕业文凭;或是本地或海外大学/大专毕业文凭
- 海外毕业人士,英语CLB 5级以上
- 能够保证完成24个星期的全日制上课, 八周实习机会
"Through the CPAC program I really got the help to be exposed to the electrical work and skills in a short amount of time. I learned a lot about how to be professional and deal with workplace situations this program. The program also give me a chance to be able to get experience in electrical so I can now apply for an apprenticeship program. I'm truly honored and happy to have been here because it's a life changing experience."
--Shamar P
"Being new to the country and not knowing where to start, CPAC made it much easier for me personally. This program was very well organized from the beginning to the end and prepared for us an amazing career path. Thank you for having such a great program where a work placement is included and we had the chance to show our skills. I would like also to mention the social part of this program which gave me a chance to meet, work, learn and have a lots of fun from this diverse group of people."
--Adriatik L.

This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.