2023 ENLIGHT CPA 会计论坛—-探索会计行业职业发展和挑战

今年五月初,CPAC Enlight小伙伴们回归线下,与多家协会合作努力下成功举办了专属于会计行业的活动,即将到来的十一月,我们再度秉承专业和认真的态度,继续给深耕于会计行业的专业人士或将要踏入的学子们带来再一场专属于你们的CPA活动。

CPAC Enlight in collaboration with CPA Ontario is hosting “Ignite your Career” a conference for aspiring CPAs to explore career paths and prepare for future jobs. This conference brings together diverse leaders who will share insights and experiences to inspire you in charting your own CPA path. 

The event includes a keynote, CPA program overview, panel discussions, and networking. Guest speakers will share job search strategies and diverse career opportunities with a CPA designation.


12:30-1:05 p.m. Check-in 

1:05-1:10 p.m. Welcome Remarks 

1:10-1:30 p.m. Keynote – CPA leadership: inspiration and change management

1:30-2:00 p.m. CPA – Open Up A World Of Career Opportunities  

2:00-2:10 p.m. Break

2:10 -2:40 p.m. Panel- From Passion to Profession: CPA Career Paths and Opportunities And

How the CPA Designation Helps Advance your Career 

2:40-2:50 p.m. Panel- Alumni sharing: Why choose CPA for career development &

How to use resources from career centers to find an intern/full-time job? 

2:50-3:20 p.m. Presentation: Job search, networking, and resume tips 

3:20-4:30 p.m. Networking 


时间:Sunday Nov 5th, 2023, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (12:30 pm Check-in)

地点:Bahen Centre for Information Technology, BA 1170 – 40 St George St, Toronto  


报名: https://myportal.cpaontario.ca/s/lt-event?id=a1UMm000001FxgjMAC