CPAC基金会获Hudson’s Bay基金会赠10万加币 携手推进反种族歧视教育

【多伦多8月3日】加拿大中国专业人士协会(CPAC)基金会今日宣布,该组织荣幸被Hudson’s Bay基金会选为其社会改变宪章(Charter for Change)项目的五个慈善合作机构之一,该项目承诺在10年内向致力于促进种族平等的机构提供3000万加元的资助,以促进种族平等事业。CPAC基金会将获得10万加元的项目专款,用于继续推进消除反亚裔种族歧视的宣传教育工作。


“我们非常荣幸成为Hudson’s Bay基金会的合作伙伴,”CPAC基金会会长王体先生说。 “反亚裔种族主义是一个严重的问题,两个多世纪以来一直毒害着我们的社会,在 COVID -19大流行期间更是给东亚社区带来了创伤。Hudson’s Bay基金会的宝贵资助恰逢其时,以帮助我们解决这一紧迫的问题。”

“种族平等是我们社会目前面临的最紧迫的问题之一,通过Hudson’s Bay的 Charter for Change项目,我们的目标是创造看得见、可度量的变化,从而使人们的生活有所改善,” Hudson’s Bay总裁兼首席执行官Iain Nairn说,“鉴于近期反亚裔种族主义的激增,我们必须支援那些在我们国家感到处境脆弱或威胁的人。”

CPAC 基金会在过去一年开展了一系列反种族歧视的活动,以遏制因 COVID-19引起的反亚裔种族主义的兴起,这些活动包括提高公众意识的运动、敦促政府领导人的请愿信以及十多场应对种族歧视行为的系列教育研讨会。该信息手册将是CPAC基金会反种族歧视教育工作的继续和延伸。

CPAC基金会衷心感谢Hudson’s Bay基金会的慷慨捐赠,并将继续致力于促进种族平等和建设一个共容性的加拿大社会。欲寻更多相关资讯及参与捐款, 请访问CPAC基金会网站


About CPAC Foundation

CPAC Foundation is a registered charity that raises funds to carry out its work in a number of areas, including:

  • Advocating human rights, equity, diversity, inclusion, and the elimination of racism and anti-Asian racism by conducting research, education and training, with the goal of achieving the full potential of a diverse and inclusive Canadian society;
  • Assisting youth and internationally trained professionals with employment support, skills training, mentorship, networking, leadership and professional development;
  • Promoting education and youth leadership by providing scholarships to students who have demonstrated social responsibility as well as academic excellence; and
  • Providing humanitarian assistance in disaster relief.

Up to date, the Foundation has given out more than 200 scholarships and bursaries with a total value of close to $300,000, built two schools in poverty and disaster stricken areas in China, and provided monetary and material assistance in the aftermath of earthquakes, flood, fire, disease outbreak and other disasters.

Charity Registration Number: 864306626RR0001.


About Hudson’s Bay Foundation

Hudson’s Bay Foundation is a registered charity, working to address racial inequality by investing in education, employment and empowerment opportunities for Indigenous Peoples, Black People and People of Colour. In 2021, Hudson’s Bay Foundation launched the Hudson’s Bay Charter for Change, committing $30 million over 10 years to accelerate racial equity in communities across Canada. By partnering with organizations doing critical work under its three pillars, Hudson’s Bay Foundation provides funding for programs and initiatives driving meaningful and sustainable change.


About Hudson’s Bay

Hudson’s Bay is a digital-first purpose-driven retailer helping Canadians live their best style of life. As one of the country’s most iconic brands, Hudson’s Bay operates 88 full-line locations and featuring Marketplace — the 5th largest e-commerce business in Canada. Hudson’s Bay has established a reputation for quality and style through an unrivalled assortment including fashion, designer, home, beauty, food concepts and more. The Hudson’s Bay Rewards program is ranked second in department store loyalty programs in Canada. Hudson’s Bay operates under the HBC brand portfolio. Founded in 1670, HBC is North America’s oldest company. The signature stripes are a registered trademark of HBC.