

第七届CPAC“教育日”活动将于2014年10月25日在Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel (600 Highway 7 East, Richmond Hill ON L4B1B2) 举行。 本届活动仍然保留前几届活动多样化方式,帮助参与者“一站式”搜罗所有教育相关资讯。活动当天既有近40家教育机构设立展位,与学生和家长面对面的交流,又有一场来自哈佛学子的主题演讲及八场不同教育相关主题的热门讲座,还有由各专上学生联合会主持的全天候Drop-in学生论坛。针对日益增长的成人教育需求,本届“教育日”还特意安排了一些成人再教育课程资讯及讲座,帮助想转行或进一步学习深造的移民朋友做出适合自己的教育选择。

今年主办方请到一名哈佛大学的学生Chloe Y. Li担任主题演讲嘉宾,给大家带来一场关于“认识自我-走向成功”的主题演讲。“随波逐流很容易,找到真实的自我、发掘自己的潜能很难;考取大学很容易,丰富自己的阅历,做一个真正对社会有贡献的人很难;自我发现的过程就是不断的问自己这些有建设性和探索性的问题”。Chloe将与大家分享她发现自我的心路历程。Chloe Y. Li是哈佛大学神经生物专业二年级的学生,爱好广泛、热心公益,是个名副其实的多能手。她也将与大家分享如何合理的利用时间做更多自己喜欢的事情。Chloe的父亲是多伦多教育局的一名资深的高中老师,届时他也会参与到主题演讲的问答环节,以家长和老师的双重身份给大家分享教育心得。


“Know Thyself”: Connecting Self-Knowledge and Success

What is the hardest role you have ever played? Being a straight-A student, a talented musician, an active citizen? Being a good friend? Or being a potential Harvard, Yale, or Princeton student? Perhaps none of these things is the hardest part to play. Perhaps the hardest part to play is the part no one cast you in, the part that you take for granted: the part of you, the genuine you.

Just as it is much easier to take others’ advice than to make your own decisions, it is much easier to strive to be the image of perfection someone else created for you instead of working to develop your own values, ideals, and goals. More important than questions like “How will I get into a good university?” are questions like “How and why do I want to enrich and expand my mind?” and “How can I positively contribute to the communities I am part of?” Asking the right questions about yourself leads you to think for yourself, and it is this quality that will not only help you go to university, but also find meaning in what you choose to do. Chloe will speak about how she got started asking herself these important questions.

Chloe Y. Li is currently studying Neurobiology and the Classics at Harvard University. She is interested in the neurobiological underpinning of psychiatric diseases as well as the intersection of social science, art, and medicine. She loves reading, writing, and dogs.



2014 CPAC教育日活动安排如下:

日 期:    2014年10月25日 星期六

时 间:    上午10时到下午4时

地 点:    Sheraton Parkway Toronto North

600 HWY-7 E Richmond Hill, Ontario


查询:office@cpac-canada.ca; 416-298-7885分机101
