

CPAC Introductory Taxation Course


Understanding Canada Revenue Agency’s policies and procedures and Canada’s income tax system This training course will cover the basic principles of income taxation in Canada. It will include basic personal…

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The CPAC-RBC Enhanced Mentorship Program is now accepting applicants


Mentorship has proved one of the most effective ways of helping young people start a professional career in Canada. The CPAC-RBC Enhanced Mentorship Program aims to assist newcomers within three…

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Notice of AGM and Seminar on Nutrition and Diet for Your Changing Needs


Dear CPAC Member, You are cordially invited to the 2024 CPAC Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held on Thursday, July 18, 2024 at the CPAC Conference Hall.  The AGM…

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Chinese Canadians are capable of making their own decisions


By Andi Shi This op-ed was published in The Hill Times on May 13, 2024. In response to recent assertions made by some politicians and media regarding the alleged influenced…

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Only 3 Spot Left – Advanced Professional Communication Training


Do you feel that your communication skills are holding you back from achieving career success? Join us for four immersive sessions where we’ll equip you with essential communication tools and…

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Over 2000 Job Seekers Attend 2024 CPAC Job Fair


TORONTO, May 8, 2024 – The annual CPAC Job Fair smashed its record of attendance this year, receiving a staggering over 2000 visitors to the one-day event. The North York…

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MA Leadership in Mandarin (Business Stream)


大学介绍 西三一大学(Trinity Western University, TWU)是加拿大大学中的隐密之宝。因为是私立基督教大学,所以并不像公立大学那样广为人知,但是该校历史悠久,在圈内久负盛名。它是BC省五所学位免评估的大学之一,全加唯一一所连续七年被加拿大《环球邮报》评为教学品质A+级的大学,在《麦肯锡》杂志中连续三年名列”教学经验最丰富大学”榜首,并一直保持在”学生满意度”排名前两名的位置。 自1962年建校以来,西三一大学以卓越的教学质量著称。虽然研究不是其办学重点,但学校拥有完备的本科、硕士和博士学位课程,门类齐全,尤其在领导力方面,西三一大学的教学具有独特的优势。它的领导力硕士项目 (MA in Leadership) 从人的内在生命入手,在比MBA项目更深的层次上,探讨其底层逻辑,强调其背后的价值观的指导,帮助学员认识自己、认识世界、洞察商业的本质和意义,明白MBA所教的”怎样做”背后的”为什么”的问题。该项目曾在全球三十多个大学的领导力项目中被评为最有特点和值得推荐的项目。 西三一大学与中国高校保持着积极的合作关系,包括清华大学、复旦大学和天津财经大学等知名院校。在全球范围内,该校享有广泛认可,与法国、德国、澳大利亚、日本、新加坡、香港等多个国家和地区的高校都有合作关系,为学生提供了优质的教育资源和丰富的学习体验。 项目介绍 商业领导力硕士学位 (MA in Leadership) 项目 (中文授课) 中文授课的商业领导力硕士项目自2011年招生以来,课程体系已经非常成熟完备,品质卓越,结构独特。项目采用中文授课,同步在线教学。教授团队遍布全球,其中60%的教授位于美国,其他则分布于澳大利亚、新加坡和台湾等地。 项目使命: 培养基于价值观的领导力,从内而外塑造卓越的华人企业领袖,引领企业组织实现可持续的竞争优势。 项目特色: 全球名师 智慧殿堂: 汇聚全球名校教授、商界领袖和创新创业导师,打破知识边界,立足于价值根基,共享智慧盛宴。 全球校友 相伴成长: 立足于全球华人社会,共同游学世界,共谋发展,共同探讨未来,华人精英校友遍布全球。 全球校园 创新空间:…

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Connect with Employers at the 2024 CPAC Job Fair


Following the resounding success of its 2023 event, which welcomed over 1000 attendees, CPAC is thrilled to announce the return of its annual career fair, this time in collaboration with…

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InnoVision 2024 to Spotlight on Cancer Treatment and Human-Computer Interaction


Responding to public interest, the 2024 CPAC InnoVision Summit will turn its focus on the latest developments in cancer treatment and diagnosis, while showcasing the marvels of human-computer interaction. The…

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Own Your Future: A Free Virtual Event on Feb. 15, 2024


CPA Ontario and ACCES Employment invite you to Own Your Future, a free virtual conference for internationally educated professionals in accounting and business. Join us on Thursday, February 15 to…

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