如何让您的孩子从小养成好的习惯、学会时间管理,培养兴趣爱好,不仅学习成绩优异,并且还是热心公益并具领导力的多能手? 来参加10月24日在北约克举行的第八届CPAC教育日活动,倾听这场主题演讲,一定会让您从演讲嘉宾的分享和经验中获得启发。座位有限!请尽快在网上注册: http://cpac2015eday.eventbrite.com, 获得活动免费门票。
James Xu is a software engineer, realtor, published poet and education columnist. Mr. Xu is a co-founder of Toronto Education Research Association (TERA).
James’s son, Wenxin Xu, the winner of 2006 CPAC Prestigious Scholarship, got his BS and MD from Harvard University. He now is working in Beth Israel Hospital in Boston.
Carrie Yang, MBA. Ms. Yang worked as Assistant General Manager of a joint venture with China Merchant She Kou Port Authority. She had also worked at CIBC. Carrie has been /is involved in the Parents’ Association for University of Toronto Schools as the Grade Representative (for how many years?). She also volunteered as the DECA judge and was in the Board of Directors of TSCC 1608 (of a condo corp.).
Carrie’s daughter, Angela Chen, the winner of 2011 CPAC Grade 10 Award, graduated from University of Toronto Schools. She is currently studying at the University of Pennsylvania, as a junior of the Huntsman Dual Degree Program in International Studies and Business. She is a Dean’s List Award recipient of both College of Arts & Sciences and Wharton; and winner of The US National Society of Collegiate Scholars for both her freshman and sophomore years. In her spare time, Angela enjoys travelling, Latin American culture and reggaeton music. – Angela is currently taking a semester abroad at the University of Havana to fulfill her interests.
Shaoxi (Scott) Zheng, has a master’s degree of computer science, and is working as an oracle DBA at TD bank. Mr. Zheng won GTA badminton double No.2-non-professional. His family moved to Canada 10 years ago.
Scott’s son, Newton Zheng, the winner of 2014 CPAC Grade 11 Award, is a philanthropic youth with a passion for community service. He is the Co-Founder and Co-Chair of Project 5K, Founder and Chair of SJMF Youth, and Systems Programmer at BTNX Inc. He was the “Night it up” volunteer president. He contributed over 1000 volunteer hours from 2014 to 2015. Newton is competitive in sports as well as in academics. He won the Top Mark Award—95 at his secondary school, and received over 10 scholarships from different organizations, such as TD, CPAC, etc. He is also a national level badminton athlete. He was accepted to all seven universities he applied to, and ultimately chose the one he liked best—Queen’s University.
旨在为新移民家庭提供有关加拿大教育制度的信息和其他相关服务,帮助家长和学生在加拿大新生活中取得成功的年度教育盛会,第八届CPAC“教育日”活动将于10月24日在北约克的一所公立高中内举行(地址:100 Princess Avenue, North York, ON M2N 3R7)。
第八届“CPAC教育日”已正式开始接受报名,费用全免,还提供免费茶点。座位有限!请尽快于活动网站:http://cpac2015eday.eventbrite.com 登记并将门票打印出来,活动当天带往会场。
日 期: 2015年10月24日 星期六
时 间: 下午1点半时至5点半
地 点: 100 Princess Avenue, North York, ON M2N 3R7(近North York Centre地铁站)