旨在帮助海外背景的专业人士(ITPs)在职业以及专业上得以发展的专业盛会,第十四届CPAC“专业人士日”暨招聘会将于9月26日在北约克Armenian Youth Centre举行。历经十四年的沉淀,已成为整个大多地区在帮助ITPs 职业以及就业发展方面最大规模的活动之一。今年CPAC更是首次将“专业人士日”暨招聘会与CPAC青年团Enlight主办的青年专业人士年度职业发展大会Encounter合二为一,旨在为不同年龄层级和不同需求的专业人士提供一站式的职业发展平台,并免费向公众开放。
How to manage conflict in the workplace
Glennie Mercer
What does conflict mean to you? Often our own ideas about conflict impact how we are able to manage it. In this presentation you will have the opportunity to talk about what conflict means to you, and how that may be impacting how you approach it. We’ll explore how you need to manage yourself and your own reactions when in conflict, review strategies for engaging others to join you in productive conversations, and learn some tips for maintaining a positive relationship even when there’s disagreement.
Glennie Mercer is the founder and principal of Glennie Mercer & Associates, an Organizational Development Consulting and Coaching firm. Glennie holds a Master’s in Education (OISE/UT 2003); a BA in Humanities (York University 1996); a Certificate in Human Resources Management (Ryerson University 1986); and trained as an RN (George Brown College 1976). Glennie is also a Certified Coach holding CPCC (Coaches Training Institute 2011), and ACC (International Coach Federation 2011) designations. Glennie has done advanced training in Alternative Dispute Resolution (University of Toronto 1998) and Neuroscience, Consciousness and Transformational Coaching (2013).
第十四届“CPAC专业人士日”已正式开始接受报名,费用全免。大会还将为提前注册的参会者提供免费午餐,请于活动网站:http://cpac2015pday.eventbrite.com 登记并将门票打印出来,活动当天带往会场。
日 期: 2015年9月26日 星期六
时 间: 上午10点到下午4点
地 点: Armenian Youth Centre (50 Hallcrown Place, Toronto, ON M2J 1P6)