旨在帮助海外背景的专业人士(ITPs)在职业以及专业上得以发展的专业盛会,第十三届CPAC‘专业人士日’将于5月31日(周六)在Sheraton Parkway Toronto North举行。历经十三年的沉淀,‘CPAC 专业人士日’已成为整个大多地区在帮助ITPs 职业以及就业发展方面最大规模的活动之一。今年参展的近50家招聘企业、十场培训讲座以及舒适宽敞的活动展厅预计能让参会者有更多的收获,加速他们的职业发展、迈向成功。
Adapting to the Canadian Work Environment
Caroline Yang
Immigrants often bring great technical skills to Canadian organizations and have a strong desire to be successful. However, it has been a challenge for many immigrant professionals to have these skills recognized by employers and peers, thus achieving career success. This presentation will discuss four critical factors for immigrants’ effectiveness in the workplace in Canada: recognize what is important to your employer; learn to take initiatives; understand feedback and adapt your work style.
Caroline Yang, CHRP, CCP, has fifteen years of human resources experience working with multinational and multicultural organizations. She is an expert in cross-cultural communication and co-authored a book on cultural diversity and inclusion.
2014 CPAC专业人士日安排如下:
日 期: 2014年5月31日 星期六
时 间: 上午10时到下午4时
地 点: Sheraton Parkway Toronto North
600 HWY-7 E Richmond Hill, Ontario