第七届CPAC“教育日”活动将于2014年10月25日在Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel (600 Highway 7 East, Richmond Hill ON L4B1B2) 举行。 本届活动仍然保留前几届活动多样化方式,帮助参与者“一站式”搜罗所有教育相关资讯。活动当天既有近40家教育机构设立展位,与学生和家长面对面的交流,又有一场来自哈佛学子的主题演讲及八场不同教育相关主题的热门讲座,还有由各专上学生联合会主持的全天候Drop-in学生论坛。针对日益增长的成人教育需求,本届“教育日”还特意安排了一些成人再教育课程资讯及讲座,帮助想转行或进一步学习深造的移民朋友做出适合自己的教育选择。
天才班(Gifted Program)课程是什么?什么样的孩子适合参加这个课程?来参加CPAC教育日活动,倾听这场由资深中学老师,Ms. Qiumin Huang带来的这场专题讲座(演讲者国语英语精通):
Introduction to Gifted Program
The “Gifted Program” session is intended for parents who are interested in enrolling their children in the gifted program. The seminar will be focusing upon the following topics:
- Key features of the Gifted Program.
- The identification and placement process.
- Gifted Testing.
- How to survive and thrive in the Gifted Program?
- Resources sharing.
The seminar will also include a Question& Answer session.
After immigrating to Canada, Mrs. Huang decided that her passion was in teaching and began to pursue this dream. In 2005, She proudly became a member of The Ontario College of Teachers and has been teaching at Toronto District School Board ever since. Throughout her teaching career, Mrs. Huang’s passion for student learning continues to grow. She has had the opportunity to teach a diverse group of middle school and high school students. Her specialty areas are Mathematics and Special Education.
2014 CPAC教育日活动安排如下:
日 期: 2014年10月25日 星期六
时 间: 上午10时到下午4时
地 点: Sheraton Parkway Toronto North
600 HWY-7 E Richmond Hill, Ontario
查询:office@cpac-canada.ca; 416-298-7885分机101