第五届CPAC教育日活动分场讲座介绍:Brief Introduction of IB and AP Programs
以“培育栋梁、锦绣前程携手创”为主题的第五届CPAC教育日活动将于2012年10月27日在士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学内举行(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。
分场讲座之: Brief Introduction of IB and AP Programs
This presentation will provide a brief overview of the history, structure, challenges, and benefits of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and Advanced Placement program. In a rapidly changing, multicultural, shrinking world, the next generation of adults will need the skills to work with a variety of people in multiple areas of knowledge to solve modern problems. Knowledge integration will be the key to success. Through its breadth and depth of curriculum and approaches to learning, the IB and AP programs help to build the foundation for success in university from which to launch into the modern world well prepared to face all its challenges. This seminar gives a brief overview of both systems, including their benefits and challenges, so that students and their parents may decide the best-suited program. Paul Corner was born in Canada, grew up in Guelph, and attended the University of Guelph, achieving a BA in Psychology and Philosophy. He acquired his teaching certification at U of T and has been teaching since 1989. Mr. Corner began teaching in the IB program at Vaughan Road Academy in 1996 and has been the coordinator of the IB diploma program there since 2008. He currently teaches IB Theory of Knowledge.
Rosemary Evans is the principal of UTS (University of Toronto Schools). She received a BA from Western, and an MA, B.Ed., and MBA from the University of Toronto. She served as a teacher, Department Head, and Subject Coordinator in the Peel District School Board, and was a Vice Principal in TDSB. Rosemary taught in the initial teacher education program at OISE, and was the recipient of a Teaching Excellence Award. As Academic Head at Branksome Hall she oversaw the implementation of the International Baccalaureate programs from JK to grade 12.
今年“教育日”时间和地点是:10月27日(星期六)上午10时至下午4时,士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。活动门票:每家庭10元(含午餐),也可到参与的汇丰银行分行、CPAC办公室领取赠票或登录cpaceday2012.eventbrite.com/ 获取赠票。