第五届CPAC教育日活动分场讲座介绍:How to communicate with your children effectively when the school starts?
以“培育栋梁、锦绣前程携手创”为主题的第五届CPAC教育日活动将于2012年10月27日在士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学内举行(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。
分场讲座之: How to communicate with your children effectively when the school starts?
The workshop will help parents communicate with their children. Quite often parents spend a lot of time lecturing their children; what to do, how to spend their time, etc. Being able to communicate with our children and encourage them to express themselves, respect their feelings and others is important for building self esteem and maturity. As a parent, creating hard working and smart habits is just as important as giving the empathy and sympathy towards our children so that they can become emotionally and therefore physically well balanced.
Amelia Ng has been working for the Federal Government for 33 years. Apart from her professional career, she has worked in the McKee Public School Advisory Council as a member for 14 years, and she has a good understanding of the Ontario Public School Broad System and the Separate School Board System. Based on the potential and the character of her two children, she has acquainted herself with the regular stream, specialized education programs, Montessori program, IB, AP Program and Top Program.
Amelia is also a core member of Association of Career Educators. ACE is a non-profit network of career educators whose focus is to promote excellence in career development in elementary and secondary education in Ontario. In the 1980`s and 90`s it was actively involved in the Ontario educational system, as the Ministry level and on national committees. In the recognition of the value of this work, ACE (formerly ACCES) was acknowledged in the report of the Royal Commission of Learning, for the Choices Into Action and The Ontario Curriculum for Guidance and Career Education. ACE represents the diversity of educators who deliver career education to support the career development of elementary and secondary students.
今年“教育日”时间和地点是:10月27日(星期六)上午10时至下午4时,士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。活动门票:每家庭10元(含午餐),也可到参与的汇丰银行分行、CPAC办公室领取赠票或登录cpaceday2012.eventbrite.com/ 获取赠票。