第五届CPAC教育日活动分场讲座介绍:Proper Nutrition for Kids
以“培育栋梁、锦绣前程携手创”为主题的第五届CPAC教育日活动将于2012年10月27日在士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学内举行(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。
分场讲座之: Proper Nutrition for Kids
This session will discuss the importance of “Brain Food.” Our brain cells require two times the amount of energy needed by other cells in the body. How can we keep a high enough level of energy so not to cause mental stress and exhaustion? And we also need to ensure that our children eat the foods that boost brain power and provide a balanced and nutritious diet. What are the foods that protect a child’s brain from wear and tear? They are essential for brain development and memory function and ensure good brain communication with the rest of the body. They promote eye development, stabilize mood, and provide the essential fuel to maintain our energy level. Eating right can improve memory and ensure endurance for longer periods of concentration.
Helen Cheung is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N), and is board certified as a Nutritionist by the Canadian Association of Holistic Nutrition Professionals (CAHN-Pro). As an educator in holistic health and a provider of nutritional counseling at physicians’ clinics, she has helped hundreds of clients to improve their health. Helen also manages the CPAC Career Service Centre, which implements government-funded bridging programs and various professional development programs.
今年“教育日”时间和地点是:10月27日(星期六)上午10时至下午4时,士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。活动门票:每家庭10元(含午餐),也可到参与的汇丰银行分行、CPAC办公室领取赠票或登录cpaceday2012.eventbrite.com/ 获取赠票。