第五届CPAC教育日活动分场讲座介绍:Understanding how course selection in secondary school affects University/College admission
以“培育栋梁、锦绣前程携手创”为主题的第五届CPAC教育日活动将于2012年10月27日在士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学内举行(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。
分场讲座之: Understanding how course selection in secondary school affects University/College admission
This presentation will focus on course selection and credit combination at high schools in GTA area. The courses taken by the students and credit combination they have determine which programs of study they can be admitted at universities and colleges. For those who may not pursue post-secondary educations, what they have learned at high schools provide the prerequisites for their future career pathways. I will deliver the topics in details from the view of a high school teacher, a father, and the students.
Chaomin Li is a teacher who has been teaching at four different high schools in the GTA area since 2001. Mr. Li currently teaches science and biology at Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute, a public high school of the Toronto District Education Board.
今年“教育日”时间和地点是:10月27日(星期六)上午10时至下午4时,士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。活动门票:每家庭10元(含午餐),也可到参与的汇丰银行分行、CPAC办公室领取赠票或登录http://cpaceday2012.eventbrite.com/ 获取赠票。