CPAC 2016年度会员大会定于6月18日周六下午在CPAC会议大厅(4150 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, ON M1S 3T9)举行。会议议程包括年度工作报告和财务报告、章程修改、新一届CPAC理事会成员选举、会员提问、提议和交流时间。CPAC还邀请了资深的注册形象专家Anne Sowden担任演讲嘉宾,给大家传授如何在得体的穿着和谈吐的基础上,利用有效的肢体语言体现自信,帮助您在加拿大职场获得成功。
CPAC还将提供简餐和免费停车位。诚邀广大会员朋友们踊跃报名参加!为方便统计用餐人数,请提前在网上http://cpac2016agm.eventbrite.com 注册;或致电、发邮件至CPAC办公室报名。
活动时间:2016年6月18日, 周六11:30 am
11:30 am Registration
12:00 pm Lunch and networking
12:45 – 3:00 pm Feature speech and Meeting
会议地点:CPAC Conference Hall, 4150 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, ON M1S 3T9
查询:office@cpac-canada.ca; 416-298-7885转101
a) 需为CPAC会员;
b) 具领导才能并对社区贡献卓越;
c) 诚实、正直;
d) 精通英语口语与写作;
e) 被三个以上的CPAC理事会成员提名;以及
f) 经CPAC理事会候选资格审核委员会审查及推荐
More information about the seminar:
Understanding the Power of Body Language
Communication is the foundation of everything we do. You need to communicate with polish and connect with people with composure. While what you say is important, your body language is key. Even if you haven’t said a word, your body communicates distinct messages to others.
This session will give you an understanding of the importance of body language in a Canadian setting; how to make a positive first impression before saying a single word; recognize gender differences in body language; use body language to present yourself confidently and develop strong business relationships.
• Body language basics—what it is; why it is important; gender differences
• The Canadian setting—understanding what’s expected
• Three elements to making a positive first impression
• Top body language mistakes
• Top body language tips to appear confident
Speaker’s Bio
Anne Sowden, AICI CIP is a Certified Professional Member of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) and a past President of the Canadian Chapter. She received her image consulting training from Toronto’s George Brown College, The International Image Institute and California’s The Style Core.
Through wardrobe assessment, fine-tuning verbal and non-verbal communication, reviewing business and social etiquette and building executive presence, Anne works with individuals, and companies to build the confidence needed to thrive in business and social situations.
A recognized expert, Anne is often quoted in the media including CTV News, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, The Toronto Star, and Canadian Business Magazine.