每个孩子都是独一无二的,都具有他/她的潜能及所擅长的地方,如何发现孩子的潜质并提供正确的指引,帮助他们认识和欣赏自己的个性、特长、学习风格、兴趣,价值观以及他们所热衷的,帮助他们自信、健康地成长;家长如何与孩子建立良好的关系,以及如何帮孩子做好踏入职场、适应社会的准备,来参加10月24日在北约克举行的第八届CPAC教育日活动,两位资深教育专家将为您指点迷津。座位有限,请提前在网上注册: http://cpac2015eday.eventbrite.com, 获得活动免费门票。
Know Your Child’s Potential: Providing the appropriate guidance
Speakers: Emil Boychuk, Amelia Ng
This seminar provides information about every kid has potential–gifts and talents that with attention and practice become strengths and the foundation for a meaningful life and career. How parents and the community have the wonderful opportunity and responsibility to guide and support their kids–to help them grow with confidence, develop and flourish. Learn ways to recognize and appreciate their personality and character strengths, learning styles, interests, values and what they are passionate about. Explore the importance of the parent and child relationship from childhood to adulthood independence for nourishing their growth in maturity and understanding of responsibility. Receive tips on how to prepare them for jobs of the future and exponential changes in the world of work.
Emil Boychuk is a teacher and guidance counsellor with over 30 years of experience. He is dedicated to helping youth and their parents with educational and career life planning for all pathways of opportunity. In our changing world he emphasizes the importance of being “future looking.” He does individual career counselling and frequently presents workshops for students, parents and educators. He has received a number of counselling awards including the Career/Life Skills Resources Award for Excellence in Career Education from the Ontario School Counsellors Association. Currently he chairs the Association of Career Educators of Ontario.
Amelia Ng has over 34 years in the Canadian Federal Government. She has tremendous experience with manufacturers, business operations, and government policies and procedures. Amelia also has a great passion for youth education with experiences such as 14 years on the Parents Advisory Council of McKee Public School, a mentor at Upper Canada College, and a core member of the Association of Career Educators that specializes in career development in today’s youth.
She is very familiar with the Montessori, IB, AP and the TOPS Programs. She believes that children can mature into understanding adults through well-rounded training and an enriched life of varied experiences. She is a strong believer of helping kids to discover their potential and find their passion through learning.
旨在为新移民家庭提供有关加拿大教育制度的信息和其他相关服务,帮助家长和学生在加拿大新生活中取得成功的年度教育盛会,第八届CPAC“教育日”活动将于10月24日在北约克的一所公立高中内举行(地址:100 Princess Avenue, North York, ON M2N 3R7)。
第八届“CPAC教育日”已正式开始接受报名,费用全免,还提供免费茶点。座位有限,请尽快于活动网站:http://cpac2015eday.eventbrite.com 登记并将门票打印出来,活动当天带往会场。
日 期: 2015年10月24日 星期六
时 间: 下午1点半时至5点半
地 点: 100 Princess Avenue, North York, ON M2N 3R7(近North York Centre地铁站)