找工难 、人难招?雇主到底想招什么样的员工?大公司的招聘程序是怎样的?在面试时应该注意哪些问题?9月26日来第十四届CPAC“专业人士日”,加拿大最大的医药公司Apotex Inc的分析技术及营运副总裁Dr. Bo Lei来为你一一道来。
Topic: What do employers expect?
Dr. Bo Lei, is currently working in Apotex Inc, the largest pharmaceutical company in Canada as Associate Director, Analytical Technologies & Operations. He has held various managerial positions since joining the pharmaceutical industry and conducted many job interviews for professional positions. In his presentation “What do employers expect”, Dr. Lei will focus on: the general recruiting process in large corporations; job requirements and employer expectations; common questions in a job interview; and how to prepare for a job interview.
Dr. Bo Lei received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Memorial University of Newfoundland and did his postdoctoral research at National Research Council Canada. He joined Apotex, the largest pharmaceutical company in Canada, in 1995 as a research scientist and has progressively moved into more senior positions, presently as Associate Director, Analytical Technologies & Operations. Dr. Lei has intensive knowledge in pharmaceutical science and many years of management experience. He was the president of Canadian Chinese Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Association, a non-profile organization, in 2013-2014.
旨在帮助海外背景的专业人士(ITPs)在职业以及专业上得以发展的专业盛会,第十四届CPAC“专业人士日”暨招聘会将于9月26日在北约克Armenian Youth Centre举行。历经十四年的沉淀,已成为整个大多地区在帮助ITPs 职业以及就业发展方面最大规模的活动之一。今年CPAC更是首次将“专业人士日”暨招聘会与CPAC青年团Enlight主办的青年专业人士年度职业发展大会Encounter合二为一,旨在为不同年龄层级和不同需求的专业人士提供一站式的职业发展平台,并免费向公众开放。
第十四届“CPAC专业人士日”已正式开始接受报名,费用全免。大会还将为提前注册的参会者提供免费午餐,请于活动网站:http://cpac2015pday.eventbrite.com 登记并将门票打印出来,活动当天带往会场。
日 期: 2015年9月26日 星期六
时 间: 上午10点到下午4点
地 点: Armenian Youth Centre (50 Hallcrown Place, Toronto, ON M2J 1P6)