
旨在帮助海外背景的专业人士(ITPs)在职业以及专业上得以发展的专业盛会,第十三届CPAC‘专业人士日’将于531日(周六)在Sheraton Parkway Toronto North举行。历经十三年的沉淀,‘CPAC 专业人士日’已成为整个大多地区在帮助ITPs 职业以及就业发展方面最大规模的活动之一。今年参展的近50家招聘企业、十场培训讲座以及舒适宽敞的活动展厅预计能让参会者有更多的收获,加速他们的职业发展、迈向成功。CPAC专业人士日费用全免,还备免费午餐。为方便安排,参加者须在http://cpac2014pday.eventbrite.com上提前报名登记,活动当日凭打印门票领取午餐。另外,2011年9月以后登录、年满18周岁的新移民凭枫叶卡可于活动现场CPAC展位免费领取欢迎大礼包。


Stories of Successful Young Professionals                                                    

Coming from different background, a panel of young immigrant professionals will share their experience of career exploration and success. The panelists will also interact with audience to answer their questions and offer tips and advice on career choice and job search.

Panel Moderator: Rocky Singh is an aerospace systems engineer with a multinational corporation. In addition to his engineering skills, he has invested time and effort to the development of communication and leadership skills.


Iqbal Bansal is a technology engineer with Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Iqbal has encountered more challenges in his life and career than many of his peers but the hardship could only make him stronger and more determined to pursue his professional goal.

Lucy Chen is a compliance officer with 1832 Asset Management L.P., a division of Scotiabank. After graduating from the university, Lucy enrolled herself in a Financial Compliance Certificate program at Seneca College, which finally led to her current career as a compliance officer.

Michael Zhang is a junior accountant with Icon Legacy Hospitality Group. Since graduation from Rotman Commerce at University of Toronto, he has dedicated himself to the pursuit of his CPA designation as well as more exposure in the field of accounting.


2014 CPAC专业人士日安排如下:

日 期:    2014年5月31日 星期六

时 间:    上午10时到下午4时

地 点:    Sheraton Parkway Toronto North

600 HWY-7 E Richmond Hill, Ontario



