Own Your Future Career Summit

Brave the future. Be inspired. Raise your game. Expand your outlook.

CPA Ontario and ACCES Employment invite you to join a free career and job fair for internationally educated professionals in accounting and finance or business.

On Thursday, October 13, come learn about the opportunities afforded by a CPA designation, expand your network with employers to gain employment advice and explore employment opportunities—all via the online Brazen platform.

A panel of internationally educated professionals who are current students in our CPA program will convene to discuss how they leveraged their international education and experience to enter the education program, which has provided the in-demand skills necessary to thrive as a CPA.

Connect one-on-one with recruiters from top employers in Ontario and build the foundations for a successful career.

We’ll be joined by Ontario’s top employers, including CIBC, GTAA, Rogers, RSM, Grant Thornton, and many more.

We look forward to seeing you there! Register at: cpaontario.ca/OwnYourFuture


8:45-9:00 a.m. Registration

9:00-9:05 a.m. Welcome

9:05-9:30 a.m. Launch your Future-Panel Discussion

9:30-11:30 a.m. Meet 1:1 with Employers