Chinese CHI 2014 第二届华人华侨人机交互国际研讨会将于4月26/27日在多伦多举行!
Chinese CHI 2014 (第二届华人华侨人机交互国际研讨会, 将于今年4月26和27日在加拿大安大略湖畔的多伦多召开。
Chinese CHI 是ICACHI ( 组织,由世界人机交互研究和应用领域众多的华人科学家们创建的,为人机交互领域的研究,开发进行交流的世界级论坛。首届华人人机交互国际研讨会于2013年在法国巴黎成功举行。
在本届大会上,将由人机交互领域的先驱James Landay教授(康奈尔大学), Gloria Mark教授(美国UC Irvine加州大学欧文分校),及Gord Kurtenbach博士(Autodesk研究院院长)做三个鼓舞人心的主题演讲。
经过45位专家层层筛选出的17 个精彩的学术报告(投稿录取率30.9%)将为与会者展现人机交互领域的前沿进展。此外,众多世界领先的人机交互研究团队也将展示他们最新的工作成果。
大会还将在加拿大国家电视塔(CN Tower)享负盛名的360旋转餐厅举办欢迎晚宴。包括最佳论文,最佳学生论文等奖项将在此宣布。俯瞰整个多伦多市和安大略湖的壮丽景观,来自世界各大知名院校,企业,研究机构的广大人机交互领域的学生、学者、研究员、管理者会聚一堂;在新的高度,用360度的视野,扩大合作,广泛交流,相互学习。
人机交互技术的发展需要广大中国及世界华人的共同努力。Chinese CHI的发展更需要您的关注与支持。相信您一定会满载而归,不虚此行。
Conference Chairs
Ellen Yi-Luen Do 杜宜倫, Georgia Institute of Technology & National University of Singapore
Wei Li 李維, Autodesk Research
Program Co-Chairs
Shengdong (Shen) Zhao 趙盛東, National University of Singapore
Hao-Chuan Wang 王浩全, National Tsing Hua University
Associate Chairs
Gong Zhang 張弓, Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab
Steering Committee
Shumin Zhai 翟樹民, Google Research
James Landay 劉哲明, University of Washington
Xiangshi Ren 任向实, Kochi University of Technology
Henry Duh 杜本麟, University of Tasmania
第二届华人华侨人机交互国际研讨会Chinese CHI 2014向CPAC会员免费开放首日主题演讲, 并为计划参加全天会议CPAC会员提供现场注册优惠 ($100/Day, not including Banquet)
Time: April 26, 9:00AM-10:20AM
Location: Queen’s Quay Room, Westin Harbor Castle Conference Centre.
Title: “The Future of Making Things”
By Dr. Gordon Kurtenbach, Autodesk研究院院长
Abstract: Three technology trends will dramatically change the way we design and make things in the future. First, 3D printing is allowing more people to make things and allowing them to make things that were previously impossible to make. Second, the range of things that can be digitally fabricated is increasing. While today 3D printers routinely print plastic and metal parts, we are, for example, already seeing 3D printers that “print” a much broader range of materials from multiple materials to printing living biology. Third, today we use computers to document a design and analyze if it “will work”. In the future, using the massive scale of cloud computing, we will be able to compute not just a sufficient design but the optimal designs by having the computer create and evaluate millions of potential designs. The combination of these trends will significantly change the nature of “making”.
In this presentation I will talk about some of the potential–and some of the hype–around 3D printing and how computer design tools will change to take full advantage of these technology trends. Effectively, the future has never been brighter for those who want to imagine, design and create.
Dr. Gordon Kurtenbach is the Head of Research at Autodesk ( where he oversees a large range of research including human-computer interaction, graphics and simulation, environment and ergonomics, high performance computing, and CAD for nano-technology. Dr. Kurtenbach has published numerous research papers and holds over forty patents in the field of human-computer interaction. His work on gesture based interfaces, specifically “marking menus” has been highly influential in HCI research and practice. In 2005, he received that UIST Lasting Impact Award for his early work on issues combining gestures and manipulation. Prior to Autodesk, Gordon was the head of the interactive graphics research group at Alias which researched advanced technologies for products such as Maya, AliasStudio, SketchBook and PortfolioWall. Prior to Alias, Gordon was a researcher at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center working on pen based user interfaces for wall-sized display systems. Before Xerox, Gordon was a member of Apple Computer’s Advanced Technology Group researching gesture-based input techniques for graphical user interfaces.