第五届CPAC教育日活动10月27日本周六举行 最后获得赠票机会

由加拿大汇丰银行主题赞助、以“培育栋梁、锦绣前程携手创”为主题的第五届CPAC教育日活动将于本周六2012年10月27日在士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学内举行(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。请把握最后获得此活动赠票的机会!

Preparation Package for Participants of the 5th CPAC Education Day


与往年邀请社区名人或杰出学者担任活动的主题演讲嘉宾不同,今天主办方邀请了正在哈佛大学攻读法律博士学位的Jason Qu同学担任主题演讲嘉宾。Jason是一名名副其实的与CPAC一起成长的孩子,从小就与父母一起担任CPAC的志愿者,为社区服务。今年,正值CPAC成立二十周年之际,Jason将与大家分享他的成长故事及追逐“哈佛梦”的成功心得。另外,Jason的母亲也是一名有着移民背景的成功律师。届时,她也会到活动现场与家长们分享她的成功育儿经验。

今年“教育日”时间和地点是:10月27日(星期六)上午10时至下午4时,士嘉堡Mary Ward天主教中学(3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,Kennedy夹McNicoll西北角)。活动门票:每家庭10元(含午餐),也可到参与的汇丰银行分行、CPAC办公室领取赠票或登录cpaceday2012.eventbrite.com/ 获取赠票。


  • Early Childhood Education & Parenting:

1. How to communicate with your children effectively when the school starts?

2. Being positively and actively involved in your children’s learning and school lives?

3. An introduction to gifted program

4. Proper Nutrition for Kids

  • Elementary and Secondary School Education

5. Never too early to start: Career planning from grade 10

6. A brief introduction to elementary and secondary education in Ontario

7. Understanding how course selection in secondary school affects University/College admission

8. Specialized programs: International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP)

  • Post-secondary Education

9. How to apply for a Medical School?

10. University or College-what is the right choice for your career path?

11. Brief introduction of Co-op Programs

12. Creating Possibilities for Your Future Career

  • Post-secondary Education 2 – Tips from Students

13. Insights on how to apply to top universities

14. How to look for Co-ops, internships, and research opportunities?

  • Student forum

15. Student forum: University/College campus life.



1.     University of Toronto Scarborough

2.     University of Toronto Mississauga

3.     University of Toronto Continuing Studies

4.     Queen’s University

5.     Enrichment Studies Unit(ESU) at Queen’s University

6.     York University

7.     Glendon College, York University

8.     University of Ontario Institute of Technology

9.     University of Waterloo

10.University of Guelph

11.Trent University

12.University of Ottawa

13.Brock University

14.Carleton University

15.University of Windsor

16.Algoma University

17.Lakehead University

!8. Toronto Catholic District School Board

19.George Brown College

20.Seneca College

21.Centennial College

22.Humber College

23.Conestoga College IELTS Test Centre

24.Saint Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology

25. University of Toronto Schools

26.J. Addison School

27.Oxford College

28.Toronto Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology

29.Robetech Institute

30.Edukinder Inc (Ivy Shuttle)

31.St. Clement’s School


33.Grade Learning Markham Campus

34. Crown Academic International School

35. DreamCorp

36. Christina Li


38.CGA Ontario

39.Heritage Education Funds

40.CMA Ontario

41.Registered Professional Accountants Association of Canada

42.Global Chinese Press

43. Chinese Professionals Association of Canada(CPAC)

44. Young Professionals Division of CPAC

45. Toronto Education Research Association

