Ignite your Career: A Conference for Aspiring CPAs

Time & Date: May 6, 2023, 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Venue: Toronto Metropolitan University, Library LIB-72 (main floor),350 Victoria St, Toronto

Registration: https://myportal.cpaontario.ca/s/lt-event?id=a1U5W0000000CdpUAE


CPAC Enlight in collaboration with CPA Ontario is hosting a career development conference for aspiring CPAs. This conference brings together diverse leaders who will share insights and experience to inspire you in charting your own CPA path. The program of the event includes a keynote, how to become a CPA, panel discussions, and networking. Guest speakers will shed light on diverse career potential and opportunities with a CPA designation.


12:35 – 12:55 p.m.: Check in

1:00 – 1:05 p.m.: Welcome Remarks

1:05 – 1:40 p.m.: Keynote Speech

1:40 – 2:20 p.m.: CPA Program Overview

2:20 – 3:00 p.m.:

Panel 1: From Passion to Profession: CPA Career Paths and Opportunities

3:00 – 3:40 p.m.:

Panel 2: Unleashing Your CPA Potential: How the CPA Designation Has Helped Me Grow My Careers

3:40 – 4:00 p.m.: Networking


Keynote speech: Mei Long, CPA, MBA, Senior Director, CIBC

CPA program overview: Carmen Jacques, CPA, CGA, Manager, Student Recruitment at CPA Ontario

Panel 1:

Elva Lu, Programmer Analyst at Citi and Coordinator at CPAC Enlight

David Fraser, CPA , CFA, Vice President, Brookfield Oaktree Wealth Solutions

Annie Zhang, CPA, CA , CFA, Senior Manager, Hedge Accounting, TD Bank

Elaine Han, CPA, Assistant Controller, GE Healthcare

Panel 2:

Julian Wu, Senior Consultant of Accounting and Reporting Advisory at Deloitte

Jessica Jin, CPA, CA, Assurance/Accounting Senior Manager, Kraft Berger

Jenny Peng, CPA, Finance and Business Solutions Manager, People Corporation

Jason Yi, CPA, Senior Manager, Tax, KPMG


Canadian-Chinese Professional Accountants Association (CCPAA) Ontario Chapter

Toronto Metropolitan University Chinese Students and Scholars’ Association (TMU CSSA)

I will attend!