Apply now: CPAC accepting scholarships, awards and bursury applications until January 20th, 2015
Founded in 1999, the Education Foundation of Chinese Professionals Association of Canada provides Scholarships and Awards to secondary and post-secondary students who have demonstrated exceptional community leadership as well as outstanding academic achievements. The Foundation also provides bursaries to students who hold above-average grades and demonstrate financial need. The three categories for students to apply to are:
Scholarships: Applicants must be enrolled in a post-secondary program and have completed at least two semesters of studies at a recognized post-secondary institution. Candidates must demonstrate outstanding academic records and community involvement. There will be several $1,000 scholarships available and a $3,000 CPAC TD Meloche Monnex Prestigious Scholarship for the top applicant.
Awards: The CPAC awards are designed to encourage high school students to pursue higher education. Applicants must demonstrate outstanding academic achievements and active community involvement. There will be a maximum of six $1000 awards for students who have completed grade 10, 11 or 12, with two awards for each grade level.
Bursaries: Applicants must be enrolled in post-secondary studies, have maintained above-average scores and demonstrate a financial need. There will be several $1000 bursaries available.
“CPAC recognizes the importance of education and is committed to fostering community leadership and concern for others in the immigrant community. We want to reward those hard-working and deserving students of immigrant families,” remarks Richard Lim, President of the CPAC Education Foundation, “We would also like to thank all of our sponsors and donors for their generous and continued support that has allowed us to fulfill our commitment in this regard.”
CPAC has given out 210 monetary awards in the past fourteen years and welcomes applications from Canadian citizens, immigrants and international students with CPAC student membership of all ethnic backgrounds. Details, instructions, application forms can be found online at
The Education Foundation’s 2014 Scholarships and Bursaries will now be open to international students with CPAC student membership. The application deadline will be extended to January 20th, 2015. Presentation of these prizes will be held on March 2015. For further information, please visit the Education Foundation of CPAC website at, or contact the CPAC office at 416-298-7885 ext. 101.
Founded in 1999, the Education Foundation of the Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC) is a registered charity with a mission to promote academic and professional excellence as well as community leadership in the immigrant community. The Education Foundation provides scholarships, awards and bursaries to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and community involvement or the need for financial assistance.
The deadline for applications is January 20, 2015. For further information, please visit Education Foundation of CPAC website at or contact the CPAC office at 416-298-7885 ext. 101.