BRANDING YOU SUCCESSFUL! – Part 2 by Ms. Shannon Smith
As a follow up to my first article, we discussed why creating a dynamic, individual personal brand is important to conducting business successfully now and in the future in Canada.
The old saying “You never get a second chance to make a positive and lasting first impression is true.”
Before you sell anything – you sell yourself first. Just like branding a product, when your personal brand (personal image) is polished, confident and congruent, it’s natural that you will be perceived as more desirable and “in demand” no matter what field you are in.
How do you measure up?
Clients have told me that they thought the entire subject of image was fake and phoney, slick and not relevant or important to them – until they hit a brick wall. I’ve coaching men and women from all walks of life – from contract gardeners, waitresses and waiters, secretaries, junior sales reps to executives and CEOs. Professional image is important at every level…and as the stakes get higher the more important “image” becomes. We teach the skills that lead straight to success – no matter what you do or where you are headed.
These skills are even more important if you are coming to a new country and trying to fit in.
Even though intelligence, experience and education count, our corporate clients tell us they are only hiring individuals that are polished, professional, mannerly, energized, fit and healthy, well dressed and groomed. In other words – it’s the whole package that counts.
There is more at stake now! Ask yourself…
Do I shake hands or kiss? Do I present my business card before being asked? Do I introduce myself to the other personal first? What about your 30 second commercial – do I know what is it? Do I have one? How do I dress to impress? Am I sure about what to wear to an elegant cocktail party? And do I eat or drink? What is appropriate in this culture?
Here are some hot tips to presenting a professional personal brand that you can implement right now.
1. Be current. Change your image every 3 years to keep up. An out of date image shouts louder than words “How can you keep up with tomorrow if you can’t keep up with today?”
2. Be congruent – wearing professional attire during the day but sloppy, out of date clothes to shop, attend social functions etc. just won’t cut it. Put your best foot forward – the individual you meet shopping for groceries just be your next client or boss.
3. Smile – fake it if you need to. It’s the only free thing we can give away.
4. Audit yourself. Take a good look at yourself in front of a full length mirror. “Listen” to what you see!
5. Use a positive, pleasant tone of voice. What we say to ourselves greatly influences how we act toward others – i.e. if we say to ourselves “here comes that jerk again,” it’s almost impossible to approach that person in a manner that will make it possible for you to work together.
6. Grooming is your number one accessory. Pay close attention to it.
7. Brush up on your manners! Take them with you wherever you go.
To attract more success, more power, fit in easily and be accepted you need to be the best and know the rules!
Shift the balance of power in your favour…
increase your success with a polished “personal brand.”
Bio of Ms. Shannon Smith
Shannon Smith, personal brand coach and founder of Premiere Image International based in Toronto, is a TV personality, speaker, columnist and author. Her Contemporary Finishing School offers customized training for companies and individuals across North America in personal branding – image mastery, charisma, presentations skills, appropriate dress & grooming, manners, etiquette training, executive dining and protocol. Learn the secrets of Self-Confidence, Discover the Power to Influence, Make Success a Natural Part of Your Life. Ms. Smith assists individuals transform from unnoticed to unforgettable…and she personally guarantees it. Ms. Smith will be presenting at the CPAC Professional Day May 25.
She is offering you a 1 ½ hour, confidential personal coaching session – The Personal Brand Audit for the investment of $275.00 ($425.00 value) now. Find out what makes you unique and what your “personal brand” is saying about you. Your personal brand is not only your signature – it’s your competitive advantage!
Please call Ms. Smith now at 416 324 8955 and book your special time soon. Visit
Power Manners – How to Use Your Personal Skills for Business and Social Success is a 220 page, beautifully illustrated hard cover book and a very practical, easy-to-read guide exploring the accepted rules of behavior in North America. Purchase at Deep discounts available for bulk orders.