Call for Nominations to the 2012-2016 CPAC Board of Directors-AGM will be held on Nov.3, 2012
In accordance with the CPAC By-Laws, elections for Board Members will be held at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, November 3, 2012. As a member of CPAC, you are encouraged to participate in the nomination and election of your Associations’ directors.
Mission Statement
To represent and assist professionals of Chinese descent in gaining recognition, cultural integration, career advancement, and civic engagement in Canadian society through quality service and advocacy.
Our Vision
A recognized leader in serving Chinese professionals, a respected partner in Chinese community building, and a caring organization for its members
Our Core Values
Integrity, Respect, Professionalism and Volunteerism
Together, we define the future
Objectives (defined in Constitution)
- To provide opportunities for interaction and networking among Chinese Canadian professionals;
- To help members integrate and contribute to Canadian society;
- To facilitate members’ career and professional development;
- To provide training, employment, settlement, education, cultural and recreational services to internationally trained professionals and families;
- To be a national voice and representative of the Chinese Canadian community.
A candidate for directorships must:
v have been a member of the Association for at least one (1) year;
v nominated by at least three (3) Association members;
v have demonstrated leadership qualities and made significant contribution to the Association through active participation in Association affairs; and
v be reviewed and recommended by a Candidacy Review Committee of the Board (the committee consists of five current board members and under the direction of the CPAC Board.) .
Nomination Procedure:
v A CPAC member may nominate him/herself as a candidate by completing the Nomination Form
v A member may nominate another CPAC member by completing Nominating Form and obtain a signed Consent
v Nomination Form could be obtain from CPAC office, and returned by Sunday, October 14, 2012
v Upon receipt of a nomination, a member of the Candidacy Review committee will contact the individual to verify their interest in serving on the board, and to answer any questions.
v CPAC 2012 AGM will be held on Nov.3, 2012.