

Jan.26: RBC Future Launch Career Session for Youth


Launch your career in 2022! Are you aged 18-29 and exploring your career options in the Greater Toronto Region? Join RBC Future Launch and RBC recruitment for a career development…

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CPAC Member Benefit: Collect CIBC Year of the Tiger Silver Coin at a Favorite Price


It’s the Year of the Tiger for 2022, which signifies fortune and confidence. The Year of the Tiger encompasses passion and bravery. Tigers, considered to be wise, powerful and ferocious,…

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Poets Celebrating No Borders with Mirrors and Windows


Five poets in Mirrors and Windows/ 镜子与窗户, two from Canada and three from USA, will each talk about or read their poems/stories about Cultural Influences on Poetry and Translation. Saturday,…

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Webinar in Chinese: Omicron, Booster Shot and Children’s Vaccines


You can watch the recorded video of this webinar at:   Please see the Chinese version for details: 加拿大中国专业人士协会(CPAC)将于12月29日晚8点邀请曼尼托巴大学免疫学系和医学微生物学与传染病学系终身教授,前曼尼托巴大学免疫学系主任、加拿大感染免疫首席科学家,杨熙博士做线上中文讲座,全面介绍奥米克戎(Omicron) 新变异株新冠病毒,加强针(booster)以及针对5至11岁儿童的新冠疫苗(Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty mRNA vaccine)。杨教授届时还将在线上为大家现场答疑。 应对欧密克戎,是否需要打疫苗加强针,打哪种疫苗好?混打是否可以?新冠病毒会不断变异,我们需要一直打加强针吗?儿童疫苗是否安全?上市前的临床试验时间短,案例少会不会影响对此疫苗的安全评估的判断?儿童疫苗会对儿童免疫系统和生殖系统带来不可逆的损害吗?这些问题相信您都可以从这场讲座中获得解答。赶快来报名参加! 讲座详情: 时间:2021年12⽉29⽇,星期三,美加东部时间晚8点 形式:Zoom Meeting,普通话讲解 点击这里注册 Zoom论坛名额有限,请尽快注册!免费参加!

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CPAC-RBC Youth Mentorship Program Starts Accepting Applications


Mentorship has proved to be one of the most effective ways of helping young people start a professional career in Canada. The CPAC-RBC Youth Mentorship Program aims to assist young…

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