Connecting Communities Networking Mixer 2015
Hosted by Young Professionals Division of CPAC, Enlight, Baystreet, and UTCAA “Connecting Communities” Open House is the Power Mixer experience to amplify your personal circles of influence. Bringing together leading organizations who are making profound impacts in our communities, we invite you to be part of an exciting evening to renew old acquaintances, build new friendships and make meaningful connections. Welcoming professionals from BMO Capital Markets, CIBC, HSBC Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank, National Bank of Canada, Ernst & Young, Deloitte Canada, and more! * Attire: Business or Business Casual Prizes of the night: Tailored jacket, tailored pencil skirt+ shirt, and cufflinks for best dressing individuals. 5 ties for lucky draw winners $ 50 coupons to the lucky audience All provided by Empire Customs
Enlight攜手Bay街和UTCAA 於6月25日星期五晚多倫多最熱門的俱樂部為大家帶來火爆的社交聚會!快來Easy & The Fifth Club,參加我們這次的社交晚會吧。在這裡,你們能認識GTA的許多商務人士,以及更多年輕企業家。我們的目標是搭建一個輕鬆穩健的社交平台,讓大家發現機遇和拓展人脈。 想體驗更多娛樂項目,還可以在晚會后繼續留下,免費參加The Fifth Club舉辦的其他派對活動。 著裝要求:商務休閑 活动奖品:活动当晚将评选出最佳着装男士&女士各一名,分别获得定制男士jacket和女士铅笔裙套装一套。还有多份领带,袖扣,多张$50 coupon给当场的幸运观众 报名链接: Time & Date: Friday, 26 June 2015 from 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm |