CPAC Calls for Donations to Purchase Much Needed Medical Supplies for Wuhan Hospitals
CPAC (formerly Chinese Professionals Association of Canada) has been watching the recent coronavirus situation in China with great concern, and is searching for ways to support the people in the affected area. As of now, it has been confirmed that the Chinese government has reversed an earlier policy and is starting to accept overseas donations of funds and medical supplies.
CPAC is now calling for donations to assist the people of Wuhan in fighting the attack of the new coronavirus.
Funds raised will be used to purchase much needed medical supplies, such as masks, gowns and eye protection equipment.
CPAC will release purchase orders to the public in a transparent manner. A final report of the use of the donations will be provided to the public with an audited financial statement by an independent auditor.
To make a donation, please go to:
For more information, please contact CPAC at 416-298-7885 x 101
CPAC sincerely thanks everyone for their care and generous donations.
Together, we will triumph over the virus attack.
For up to date information regarding the novel coronavirus, please visit:
24/7 help by phone: 1-866-797-0000
About CPAC
CPAC is a non-profit organization serving a community of internationally trained professionals. For over two decades, CPAC has been helping immigrants with employment and career advancement, gaining necessary credentials, and accessing international business opportunities. CPAC is also an organization that assists them with cultural integration into Canadian society. The organization now has over 30,000 members from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds with a wide range of professional training and skills such as engineering, finance, computer, healthcare, education, and more. CPAC members get access to a comprehensive package of services and benefits to enhance their life in Canada.