CPAC Professionals Day and Job Fair Attracts Over One Thousand Job Seekers
September 28, TORONTO – Over one thousand internationally-trained professionals (ITPs) in the Greater Toronto Area attended the CPAC Professionals Day 2015, a large-scale career development conference and job fair held last Saturday at Armenian Youth Centre. Featuring an inspiring keynote panel and informative educational workshops, dozens of leading employers from various sectors networked with job seekers at this amazing Professionals Day.
“Over the last 14 years, we have seen how much this particular day assists ITPs. The most important help CPAC can give ITPs is to support them in finding jobs. This event’s objective is to foster relationships between our ITPs and employers. Once employed, other settlement issues become easier for them to manage,” said Mr. Eric Xiao, Acting President of CPAC, at the event’s opening.
One of the new attractions this year was the keynote panel presented by three accomplished professionals: Mr. I-Cheng Chen, IT, Mr. Peter Chan, Engineering, and Mr. Mickey Wu, Accounting. These fields are the most popular professions among new immigrants; thus, their experience was extremely relevant to the ITPs.
Moreover, there were eight breakout workshops on various career related topics ranging from honing interview skills to managing conflicts in the workplace delivered by employers, industry specialists, trainers and career consultants. This year, by combining the Professionals Day with Enlight, CPAC Young Professionals Division’s Encounter Career Development Conference, the event had a selection of workshops for both seasoned professionals and young job-seekers.
The main draw, naturally, was the Job Fair. Employers brought career opportunities at all levels. TD, BMO, Air Canada, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Accenture, Canadian Securities Intelligence Services (CSIS), Toronto Police Services and other prominent organizations, all participated. CPAC also invited two employment counselors from one of the Employment Ontario Service Providers to set up a resume clinic on the site to help the participants polish their resumes and give them some suggestions on job-hunting.
This year CPAC thanks CGA Ontario for being our Diamond Sponsor and TD Bank Group for our Gold Sponsor.
Many of the attendances were from CPAC’s Young Professionals Division, Enlight. “Marvelous help,” said Jessie, a member of Enlight, “and it is free!”
[nggallery id=25]Caption:
【2015 CPAC PDAY01】
CPAC Professionals Day 2015, a career development conference and job fair for immigrant professionals in the GTA, was successfully held on September 26 at Armenian Youth Centre. In the photo at the opening ceremony:
The first row from the left: Rachael Wong, Senior Regional Manager, Central Canada, TD Direct Investing, the representatives of the Gold sponsor; Carmen Jacques, Student Recruitment Manager, CPA Ontario, the representatives of the Diamond sponsor; Eric Xiao, Acting President of CPAC; Lynda Xu and Helen Cao, Board Members of CPAC.
The second row from the left: Andi Shi, Executive Director of CPAC; Ti Wang, Board Member of CPAC; Mickey Wu and I-Cheng Chen, Keynote Speakers; Sheng Wang, Board Member of CPAC; Peter Chan, Keynote Speaker; Daniel Gao, Hugh Zhao and Andrew Xu, Board Members of CPAC.
【2015 CPAC PDAY02-03】
Keynote panel attracted hundreds of professionals.
【2015 CPAC PDAY04】
Group photo of keynote panel with the organizer, from the left: Ti Wang, Board Member of CPAC; Mickey Wu and I-Cheng Chen, Keynote Speakers; Eric Xiao, Acting President of CPAC; Peter Chan, Keynote Speaker.
【2015 CPAC PDAY05-06】
The job fair attracted large crowd.
【2015 CPAC PDAY07-08】
Professionals with all different ethnic backgrounds attended the event.
【2015 CPAC PDAY09】
High turnout at all eight breakout session workshops
【2015 CPAC PDAY10-12】
CPAC Professionals Day & Job Fair was also a great platform for networking.