CSPC’s inaugural national symposium on Diaspora Scientific Communities

First in Canada Symposium

Diaspora Scientists:

Canada’s untapped resource of global knowledge networks 

As part of the 7th Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC 2015), to be held in Ottawa on November 25th – 27th 2015 CSPC is organizing the inaugural national symposium on Diaspora Scientific Communities in Canada. The symposium seeks to mobilize the untapped resources of diaspora communities to strengthen Canada’s global connections in science, innovation and trade.

The objectives of this symposium include:

● Mobilizing and connecting existing scientific diaspora communities in Canada

● Providing networking opportunities among diaspora scientists and communities to share experiences, lessons, best practices, and generate new opportunities

● Sharing lessons and best practices to understand the full potential of existing networks of diaspora scientist

● Forming a Canadian Diaspora Scientists Network, including a database of organizations and individuals who are active in this field

The symposium will be a one day pre-conference function on Nov. 25th from 8:30am to 2pm, covering topics in lessons from existing diaspora groups, academic research in the field, and include an interactive session on the forming of a network of diaspora scientists.



Opening Remarks– Mehrdad Hariri Daryl Copeland Science and Diplomacy: Diaspora Communities at Home and Abroad


Panel Discussion: Researchers Findings, Diaspora Scientists and Diaspora Networks

Elian Carsenat- Mapping Scientific Diasporas in Canada, applying onomastics on bibliographic databases

Margaret Walton- Diasporic-led investment in skill development and training in the Indian Health care sector.

Sujata Ramachandran – Prospects and Challenges of Diaspora Engagement: South African Diaspora in Canada

Halla Thorsteinsdottir- The Role of Diaspora in International Scientific Collaborations


Panel Discussion: Diaspora in Action: Scientific Community Networks Making Impacts

Rahim Rezaie (moderator)

Girish Shah- Scientific Collaboration between Canada and India: Role of Binational Organizations, Indo-Canadian Diaspora and Indophiles

Ken Simiyu- The role of Canadian diaspora in tackling global health; experience from Grand Challenges Canada

Farid Bensebaa- How to increase the impact of the Scientific Diaspora: Lessons from the North African Diaspora Jeongdong Choe – The Role of Diaspora Scientists and Engineers in Canada: AKCSE (Association of Korean-Canadian Scientists & Engineers) examples


Interactive Session: The Canadian Network of Diaspora Scientists, Community Building in Practice, Recommendations and Next Steps


Register here for this inaugural national symposium

& contribute to the formation of the Canadian Diaspora Scientists Network


 More details