Educate Your Kids Better: CPAC’s 5th Annual Education Day

On October 27th, 2012 Education Foundation of Chinese Professional Association of Canada will be hosting its 5th Annual Education Day. Building on the success of past Education Days this year’s event promises to connect more students to educational opportunities that best suit their aptitudes and career goals. The event will be held at Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School in Scarborough.

CPAC Education Day sponsored by HSBC Bank Canada is one of the largest education events held annually in the immigrant community drawing more than 2,000 students, parents, and educators. The event’s objective is to create awareness and provide information about the Canadian education system and its available services to the families of newcomers.

Education Day gives students and parents information using a range of formats. Representatives from school boards, colleges and universities will set up display booths and provide information about their programs. About forty booths including representatives from the University of Toronto, Queen’s University and York University have been confirmed. Classroom sized information sessions will be held. These smaller, more intimate sessions, cover a variety of topics ranging from early child development to career planning. A student forum hosted by present post secondary students will take place throughout the day. This forum will provide students heading to University the chance to find out what campus life and the University experience is like.

Education day’s key note address will be given by Jason Qu. Jason is now a second year law student at Harvard Law School. Jason’s address will discuss how character, creativity and good citizenship are as important as good grades in helping students form a vision for themselves and what they can become in their futures.

Facts about the 5th CPAC Education Day 2012:

  • Time: Saturday      10 a.m. to 4 p.m. October 27th , 2012
  • Venue: Mary      Ward Catholic Secondary School (3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, NW corner      of Kennedy & McNicoll)
  • Admission fee: CAD$10/family(including free lunch)
  • Complimentary      tickets: Pick      up complimentary tickets at participating HSBC branches and CPAC office or      register online at      to get complimentary tickets.

Event Sponsors: The Education Foundation of CPAC thanks HSBC Bank Canada for being Education Day’s presenting sponsor for a fifth straight year. David Kuo, Head of Branch Network for Ontario at HSBC Bank Canada notes that: “HSBC is proud to support organizations like CPAC in their efforts to help students and immigrant families.”

CPAC also thanks silver sponsors George Brown College and CMA Ontario, and the event co-organizer, the Toronto Education Research Association.


About the Education Foundation of CPAC

Founded in 1999, the Education Foundation of the Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC) is a registered charitable organization that provides scholarships and awards to secondary and post-secondary students who have demonstrated exceptional community leadership as well as outstanding academic achievements. The Foundation also provides assistance to students who have maintained above-average grades and are experiencing financial difficulty.


15 Breakout session seminars will be presented on CPAC Education Day 2012 (TENTATIVE):

  • Ø  Early Childhood Education & Parenting:

           1. How to communicate with your children effectively when the school starts?

           2. Being positively and actively involved in your children’s learning and school lives?

           3. An introduction to gifted program

           4. Proper Nutrition for Kids

  • Ø  Elementary and Secondary School Education

           5. Never too early to start: Career planning from grade 10

           6.  A brief introduction to elementary and secondary education in Ontario

           7. Understanding how course selection in secondary school affects University/College admission

           8. Specialized programs: International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP)

  • Ø  Post-secondary Education

           9. How to apply for a Medical School?

           10. University or College-what is the right choice for your career path? 

           11. Brief introduction of Co-op Programs

           12. Creating Possibilities for Your Future Career

  • Ø  Post-secondary Education 2 – Tips from Students

           13.   Insights on how to apply to top universities

           14.   How to look for Co-ops, internships, and research opportunities?

  • Ø  Student forum

           15.   Student forum: University/College campus life.


Up till now, over 40 exhibitors have registered for the event. They are (not in particular order):

1.     University of Toronto Scarborough

2.     University of Toronto Mississauga

3.     University of Toronto Continuing Studies

4.     Queen’s University

5.     Enrichment Studies Unit(ESU) at Queen’s University

6.     York University

7.     Glendon College, York University

8.     University of Ontario Institute of Technology

9.     University of Waterloo

10.University of Guelph

11.Trent University

12.University of Ottawa

13.Brock University

14.Carleton University

15.University of Windsor

16.Algoma University

17.Lakehead University

18. Toronto Catholic District School Board

19.George Brown College

20.Seneca College

21.Centennial College

22.Humber College

23.Conestoga College IELTS Test Centre

24.Saint Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology

25. University of Toronto Schools

26.J. Addison School

27.Oxford College

28.Toronto Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology

29.Robetech Institute

30.Edukinder Inc (Ivy Shuttle)

31.St. Clement’s School


33.Grade Learning Markham Campus

34. Crown Academic International School

35. DreamCorp

36. Christina Li

37.HSBC 38.CGA Ontario

39.Heritage Education Funds

40.CMA Ontario

41.Registered Professional Accountants Association of Canada

42.Global Chinese Press

43. Chinese Professionals Association of Canada(CPAC)

44. Young Professionals Division of CPAC

45. Toronto Education Research Association


The organizer announced that the 5th CPAC Education Day will be held on Oct.27th at Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School.

From the left: Ms. Yolanda Yao, General Manager of CPAC; Mr. David Kuo, Head of Branch Network for Ontario at HSBC Bank Canada; Mr. Richard Lim, Executive Vice President of the Education Foundation of CPAC; Mr. Raymond Wu, Branch Manager, HSBC Bank Canada.