Eric Xiao Elected as New President of CPAC
At the board meeting held on Sunday, October 16, 2016, Mr. Eric Xiao was elected as the new President of CPAC for the 2016-2018 term.
Mr. Xiao has been a long term board member and former Vice-President of CPAC. He has also been chair of the Finance and Program Committees. In his own profession, he is a partner at Ernst & Young LLP.
“I would like to focus on CPAC’s mandate of assisting internationally trained professionals (ITPs) succeed in Canada,” said Mr. Xiao, “particularly in the areas of career advancement and leadership skills development.” His priorities include expanding training programs and increasing mentorship opportunities for ITPs to help them achieve career goals, and also promoting international exchange and international opportunities for professionals.
The Board welcomed two new members to their roster, Ms. Mandy Luo and Ms. Bess Song, who were both elected as Directors this year.
The Board sincerely thanks Ms. Margaret Yang for her contribution to CPAC during her terms as President. Under her leadership, CPAC has made significant progress in helping internationally trained professionals integrate into Canadian society, raising the organization’s profile both in Canada and internationally, and promoting the development of Canada-China relations. Ms. Yang remains on the Board and will continue to support and care about CPAC’s development.
The Board also thanks Messrs. Daniel Gao and Sheng Wang, who retired from the Board this year, for their selfless contributions in the past many years and wishes them well in their new endeavours.