FREE Job Search Workshop for Internationally Educated Nurses!
Free Job Search Workshop for Internationally Educated Nurses!
- Labour market information
- Job search strategies
- Canadian nursing-specific cover letter and resume
- Professional follow up
Eligibility Requirements:
- A permanent resident or citizen of Canada
- Degree/diploma in nursing from a recognized university/college
- Work experience as a nurse from the country of origin
- Language skills of CLB level 7 or above in all areas
- Committed to the pursuit of RN/RPN registration with CNO and nursing employment
- Those who have been registered with CNO are not eligible
To register or learn more about the program and the course, please send email to or call Grace at
Tel: 416-298-7885 Ext 105
CPAC Gateway for Internationally Educated Nurses Program is a bridging training program funded by the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada. It aims to help internationally educated nurses (IEN) obtain RN/RPN licenses and employment in Ontario. The program consists of a series of courses and workshops, one-on-one mentoring support and employment services that assist IENs in achieving their career goals.
– Individual Counseling
The employment counselor will help participants work out job search strategies and an action plan. Continuous support and guidance from the counselor will be provided to participants throughout the job search process.
– Job shadowing, volunteer, internship/clinical placement
Participants will be provided with job shadowing and volunteer opportunities, internship/clinical placement to obtain relevant Canadian work experience.
– Job Matching
Based on their profile and career interest, the job developer will proactively connect participants with potential employers to develop working opportunities for the program participants.