Free Training Courses for Internationally Educated Nurses – Starting June 14
CPAC (Chinese Professional Association of Canada) Gateway for Internationally Educated Nurses Program is an Ontario bridging program funded by the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada. It aims to help you to obtain RN/RPN licenses and employment in the profession of nursing in Ontario. The program consists of a series of courses and workshops, one-on-one mentoring support and employment services which will be assisting you to achieve your career goals. The next round of free training will start on June 14, 2014 and includes the following courses:
1. Workplace Culture and Nursing Specific Language Training
The course includes the following topics:
· Confidently interact on the telephone in a healthcare setting.
· Accurately and effectively report a client’s change-of-status and receive doctors’ orders over the telephone.
· Document significant assessments, interventions and outcomes clearly, completely and correctly.
· Utilize culturally-appropriate assertive communication techniques to navigate challenging situations with colleagues, clients and clients’ family members.
Start Date/time: Every Wednesday, July 2, 2014 9:00am to 1:00pm (7 weeks)
2. Introduction to Nursing Practice in Ontario
The course contents include:
· Nursing status in Ontario, Nursing Education, Nursing organizations
· Nursing competency, Nursing Process & Nursing Care Plan
· Health promotion & illness prevention. Documentation
· Nursing accountability, Nursing ethics & Culture sensitive practice
· Nursing requisite skills & Legal consideration
· Advanced nurse practice, Nursing practice standard
Start Date/Time: Every Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:00am to 4:00pm (5 weeks)
3. RN/RPN Exam Review and Preparation Workshop
This one day workshop will give you a last push and help you pass the exam with more confidence. This workshop will cover the following:
· A thorough understanding of examination content areas
· Successful strategies to answering examination questions
· A better understanding of areas of weakness and improvement
· A framework from which to continue to study
· Improvement in knowledge and judgment with respect to examination questions
Date/Time: Saturday, August 9 and 16, 2014 9:00am to 5:00pm
To register or learn more about the program and the courses, please send email to or call Steven at 416-298-7885 Ext. 102