Harvey Shi
Harvey Shi is a Ph. D. student at the University of Toronto. While pursuing his engineering studies, Harvey has founded a series of start-ups and NGOs, including his latest tech company, FlexCap Energy Ltd., which has successfully raised a million dollars for its startup and won several prizes in start-up competitions.
FlexCap Energy develops and manufactures flexible, thinfilm supercapacitors and alkaline battery solutions. Its cutting-edge technology for flexible batteries and supercapacitors is a game changer that accelerates the manufacturability of safe and flexible, Wearable Electronics, Smart Textiles, Internet of Things Sensors, and many other new products, in addition to ease of integration to existing systems.
Harvey has also stepped up to build novel fabrication technologies such as nano-scale, lectrospinning 3D printing device, which can increase the charge storage capabilities further for future designs.
Harvey is also a strong and active member of the Ontario Society for Professional Engineers’ Research & Innovation Task Force, where he is well regarded for not only his capabilities, but also his integrity, humility, responsiveness and level of responsibility.
Harvey has demonstrated a impressive ability to problem solve in business operation as well as technical research. He is truly an outstanding young achiever in both the technological innovation and entrepreneurship categories.