COVID-19 & Vaccines Explained
The InnoVision summit is an important annual event organized by CPAC focusing on the latest advancements in science and technology that will revolutionize people’s lives.
This innovation themed summit traditionally target professionals, entrepreneurs, scholars, technology enthusiasts, students and other individuals who are interested in exploring and learning about the newest technological trends, their future impact, and emerging opportunities.
COVID-19 has changed our lives and the ways we operate our business. It has brought about monumental challenges to public health and human lives around the globe. To respond to the need of accurate information and provide answers to questions that many in the Chinese Canadian community have who face barriers to fully understanding information in official languages, InnoVision 2021 will be presented in a special online, Chinese language edition, dedicated to COVID-19, the vaccines and testing, through Zoom webinar and YouTube streaming.
Date:April 10, 2021(Saturday)
Time: 20:00 – 23:00(EST)
Location:Zoom & YouTube Live

Dr. Christie Lee
ICU Interim Site Lead, Education Site Lead, Mount Sinai Hospital
Assessment Lead, Interdepartemental Division Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Xi Yang
Canada Research Chair in Infection and Immunity Professor, Department of Immunology, University of Manitoba

Dr. Jun Liu
Professor, Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto

Dr. Liuju Yang
Clinical Biochemist, London Health Sciences Center
Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario
7:55 观众上线
8:00 开幕致辞
8:10 专题⼀:全⾯解读新冠肺炎
8:55 休息5分钟
9:00 专题⼆:核酸检测及抗体检测的解读
讲员: 杨立菊博士,伦敦健康科学中心维多利亚医院临床免疫实验室和微量元素实验室主任兼西安大略大学病理系助理教授
9:30 休息5分钟
9:35 专题三:新冠疫苗详解
讲员: 杨熙博士,曼尼托巴大学免疫学系和医学微生物学与传染病学系终身教授,前曼尼托巴大学免疫学系主任、加拿大感染免疫首席科学家
刘军教授,加拿大多伦多大学医学院分子遗传学系 终身教授
10:30 问答互动
11:00 闭幕