Is This Why You’re Not Getting A Job Offer?
By Linda Allen

There’s always a lot of competition for good job openings. So it’s quite average to have to endure several companies interviewing you before you finally get an offer. But what if you’re not getting a job offer after even 15 or 20 interviews? If you’re in that unenviable position, it’s passed time to dive deep into the causes, evaluate them, and correct as necessary.
Here are ten of the most likely reasons you’re not getting a job offer. When you have all of them under control, there’s sure to be an offer coming in short order.
Lack of Preparation
Google the company. Visit their website. Know who their clients, are, what they do, who they serve, who their competition is, and find out what sets them apart from their other businesses in their field. It is important to do your research prior to the interview.
You’re Not Proactive
Want to work with a specific company? Reach out to their hiring manager or better yet your would-be boss and inquire about possible future positions. If you’ve already had the interview, be sure to connect afterwards with a thank you note. And if you’re not hired for the current opening, let them know how impressed with the company you are and that you’ll be staying in touch for upcoming positions.
Not Enthusiastic in The Interview
Okay, so it’s not your dream job. If you come across as less than enthusiastic, you won’t get the offer. Don’t think of this position as the ultimate goal, think of it as a stepping stone and get excited. And heads up – they’ll remember their impressions down the road should you want to apply for some other position later.
You Don’t Sell Yourself
Yes, I remember that you said you hate sales. Get over it. From the times of childhood, life is about getting what you want and that’s always about selling your ideas, needs, and self to someone else. If need be, take a class or read a book on basic sales skills. Get comfortable with the notion of selling being nothing more than convincing someone else to do what you want. In this case, it’s offering you the job!
Ineffective Resume
You have a long list of skills. You’ve got a degree and respectable experience. And it’s more than likely that none of that is directly related to creating a really good resume. While you no doubt know more about yourself than anyone, there are professionals out there who do nothing but build resumes that get results. Consider that the resume is actually your first interview with the company. It’s definitely worth considering having your resume professionally written to ace that. The key is to find a reputable firm to do it, so check for references and ratings before wasting your time and money.

I get it. You’re awesome. The best at what you do. While you want to communicate your greatness, you don’t want to come off as thinking you’re on a pedestal. As always, balance is key. Tell them about your accomplishments, your accolades. But be sure to keep the ego in check so your potential employer doesn’t put your application in the “primadonna” file.
You’re Over- or Under-qualified
This is a tough one. If you’ve never found yourself rejected because of being either under- or over-qualified, let me tell you it’s frustrating. So if you’re targeting a position that’s outside your present perceived occupational fit, you’re going to have to work hard to justify why. Clearly, your best bet is to interview for positions that are a good fit if not best fit.
You’re Not Well Connected
It’s well documented that the vast majority of jobs are never advertised. You’re making your quest for a job offer a ton more difficult if you rely on just the advertised positions. In today’s world, that means you’re going to have to get on and engage in LinkedIn. That’s not essential, it’s critical. Check out this article on Ms Career Girl about revving up your LinkedIn experience.

The Compatibility Factor
This can be among the most difficult aspects of failure to get an offer. Whether it’s the first impression, going either direction, or simply a growing dislike, when the interviewer and the applicant don’t click, that job seeking journey is dead in the water. So from the second you enter the interview room, engage your best social skills to the max. You don’t have to marry this person, just get them to put a “best applicant” on your resume.
You’re Desperate – And It Shows
The fridge is empty. Your rent was due last week. And there’s not enough money in your bank account to buy a loaf of bread. Yup, you’re desperate for a job. All that stress shows up in the interview and can often derail your efforts. Before going in, try a little self talk or meditation. Remind yourself that this, too, shall pass, that you do have resources to fall back on, even if it might take a bit of humility to seek them out. Breathe. You’ve got this.
Article source: Ms Career Girl