

Free CGA PA1 and PA2 Exams Preparation Courses,will start on April 20


CGA Exams Preparation Course Are you in the process of preparing for your PA1 or PA2 exam in June of 2013?  If you are an internationally educated professional, you may…

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CPAC-TD Leadership Development Program is Full, Accept Application for the Next Round of Training


                                                                                                    CPAC-TD Leadership Development Program One on One Mentoring by Senior Executive! Learn with Leading Experts! To help internationally trained professionals gain the skills to move from technical roles…

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Attention – Employment Opportunities!


1)      Dental Technician: Natural Dental Inc. 招聘启事 我公司因工作需要,现拟招聘全职牙科技师两名[英文为 Dental Technician]。要求有加拿大居民身份,工作时间为 周一至周五 { 9:30am –6:00pm}. 要略知英文。如专业熟练,加国经验可不限。公司位于Kennedy Scarborough ONT. Between Ellesmere  and  Lawrence.有意者请将个人简历 e-mail 至{ }, 并留下联系方式。我们期待着你们的应聘,这是你们和我们共同的机会。谢谢! Natural Dental Inc. March,10th/2013…

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Information Session – Government Employment and Internship Opportunities


Are you looking for employment or internship opportunities with the government? Join us on a free Information Session presented by Jay Jiang, Ontario Public Services, Ministry of Finance What will…

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“English Pronunciation Training Class” is now accepting registration for September class


“English Pronunciation Training Course” for March 5 is full and now accepting registration for September class   Speaking clearly is important to success in the Canadian workplace. If people can…

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