
The CPAC Foundation provides scholarships to secondary and post-secondary students who have demonstrated academic excellence and community leadership. Since 2000, the Foundation has given out 224 scholarships and awards with a total value of $278,000.
High School Scholarship:
The CPAC High School Scholarship are designed to encourage Ontario high school students to pursue higher education. Applicants must demonstrate active community involvement and leadership as well as outstanding academic achievements. There will be a maximum of four $1,000 awards for students who have completed grade 10, 11 or 12 studies, with a maximum of two awards for each grade.
CPAC-TDIMM Scholarship
The CPAC-TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarship, valued at $3,000, is awarded to a post-secondary student who has completed at least two semesters of studies at a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada. Candidates must demonstrate outstanding academic records and active community involvement in a leadership role.
CPAC Trailblazer Scholarship
The CPAC Trailblazer Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student who studies at a recognized high school or post-secondary institution in Canada. He/She must also have played an active and leading role in a uniquely meaningful project or initiative in relation to community or social development, humanitarian improvement, environment, social justice or other issues. The value of this Trailblazer Scholarship is $3,000.

2018 Award/Scholarship Recipients

Jason Alaee
School: Ancaster High Schoo
Grade 11
Awards: CPAC Award

Jehwan (Dennis) Bae
School: Bayview Secondary
School Grade 11
Awards: CPAC Award

Ying-Chia He
School: John Polanyi Collegiate
Awards: CPAC Award

Alvin Li
School: Pierre Elliott Trudeau
High School
Awards: CPAC Award

Hshmat Sahak
School: Marc Garneau Collegiate
Awards: CPAC – CPA Ontario Award

Jing Xuan (Jessica) Miao
School: Western University – Ivey
Business School
Awards: CPAC – TD Insurance
Meloche Monnex Scholarship

Carmen Bezner Kerr
School: University of Toronto,
Trinity College
Awards: CPAC Trailblazer

Pardis Balari
School: McMaster University
Awards: CPAC-Queen Financial
Group Education Scholarship
Previous Award/Scholarship Recipients

2017 award/scholarship recipients
2016 award/scholarship recipients
2015 award/scholarship recipients
2014 award/scholarship recipients
2013 award/scholarship recipients
2012 award/scholarship recipients
2011 award/scholarship recipients
2010 award/scholarship recipients
2009 award/scholarship recipients
2008 award/scholarship recipients
2007 award/scholarship recipients
2006 award/scholarship recipients
2005 award/scholarship recipients
2004 award/scholarship recipients
2003 award/scholarship recipients
2002 award/scholarship recipients