

What do Employers Expect?


What do employers expect? How to prepare for a job interview? Come to this workshop on September 26’s 2015 CPAC Professionals Day, and get advice from Dr. Bo Lei, who…

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Designing Your Career Based on Your Personality


What colour is your career? Each one of us has a unique combination of four personality styles that will determine, what type of career we choose and whether or not…

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How to effectively network


Do you want to learn the power of networking along with hints and tips and do’s and don’ts? Don’t miss this free workshop at September 26’s 2015 CPAC Professionals Day…

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Get Inspired by Accomplished Professionals and Explore Job Opportunities with Employers at Professionals Day 2015


Professionals Day 2015 is a full day career development conference featuring inspiring key presentations and breakout sessions on various career and professional development topics, and a job fair with dozens…

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How to Land a Government Job?


The 14th CPAC Professionals Day and Job Fair will be held on Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015 at Armenian Youth Centre (50 Hallcrown Place, Toronto, ON M2J 1P6). The free event…

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