

CPAC AGM This Saturday: How to survive and advance in the professional environment from a Chinese perspective


The CPAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2012 will be held on this Saturday, November 3, 2012 at CPAC Conference Hall. In addition to the annual president’s report and financial report,…

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Encounter Career Conference


[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last][quote]The Encounter Career Conference is another fantastic event by the aspiring Young Professionals Division of CPAC “Enlight” to better help newly graduates and professionals alike to find the right career.[/quote]…

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Breakout Session of the 5th CPAC Education Day: How to communicate with your children effectively when the school starts?


On October 27th, 2012 Education Foundation of Chinese Professional Association of Canada will be hosting its 5th Annual Education Day. Building on the success of past Education Days this year’s…

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Breakout Session of the 5th CPAC Education Day: Being positively and actively involved in your children’s learning and school lives?


On October 27th, 2012 Education Foundation of Chinese Professional Association of Canada will be hosting its 5th Annual Education Day. Building on the success of past Education Days this year’s…

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Breakout Session of the 5th CPAC Education Day: An introduction to gifted program


On October 27th, 2012 Education Foundation of Chinese Professional Association of Canada will be hosting its 5th Annual Education Day. Building on the success of past Education Days this year’s…

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